Dating Peru

Peru Dating Destination: Lima or Cusco?

  • August 7, 2020
  • 9 min read
Peru Dating Destination: Lima or Cusco?

Unfortunately, many foreigners still have stereotypes in mind, such as 20 years ago. And those who visited Peru, say, 5 years ago still imagine the country as they saw it a few years ago. However, Peru is developing rapidly and things are changing for the better. These changes are especially visible in the capital.

Lima is a large and modern city. With a large population, it attracts tourists from different countries. In addition, Peruvians from different parts of the country move here. Therefore, the development of whole Peru can be observed on the example of Lima. This is where progress is most evident.

However, we are interested in a slightly different topic and the development of Peru is also of great importance here. If you are interested in dating women from Peru, you have several options. When you decide to choose a city where there is a chance to meet beautiful local women, you will also have several options.

Most often, foreigners begin their acquaintance with Peru from Lima. As mentioned earlier, you can meet people from different parts of Peru and around the world. The same goes if you are looking for women who do not mind meeting.

Dating in Lima

Local Lima women

If you imagine that all women in Peru have short stature and dark colored hair as well as being of predominantly indigenous origin you are wrong. Of course, there are such beautiful women in Peru as well, but not only them. A special exception is Lima.

Rich women, daughters of local rich and influential

This is a certain social class in Lima. These women come from rich families, have their own circle of friends, live a luxurious and full life. Their daily activity depends on personal preferences. Such women look after themselves, dress in branded clothing, visit the gym, often have a personal makeup artist or often visit salons. They live kinda luxury life or… not kinda, but luxury.

Average Lima women

This is a subjective classification, but most Peruvian women belong here. Most are of mixed origin. Someone has Spanish genes which dominate, someone has a more vivid indigenous appearance. They are all beautiful in their own way, both in terms of appearance and in terms of character.

Many of these women are easy to meet if you are a foreigner. The value of all the advantages of your foreign origin is actually… that you are a foreigner. It can promise certain benefits, you can be in Peru promising guy. So often you have a big advantage over local men.

Other women from other Latin American countries

As mentioned earlier, Peru is growing rapidly compared to other Latin American countries, and the country’s opportunities attract women from neighboring, poorer countries. Capital city, Lima, is where most of them come.

Therefore, if you want to see for yourself the beauty of all women in South America, Lima will be a good choice. Here you can get acquainted with many of them, will take part in common activities (eg dancing, karaoke, some hanging out in bars etc.) and you can also try dating some of them.

Lima is a good place to find friends not only from Peru.

Women from other foreign countries

There are also a lot of such women in Lima. Among them are those who have their own business here (for example, women from Japan, China, etc.) or those who work or study here.

There are women from other countries who came to Peru for tourism. Some of them – for a short time, and some want to better feel the atmosphere of Peru and want to stay for at least a few months. But a huge plus is that almost all of them do not mind meeting representatives of other countries and have a good time together.

So do not miss such a pleasant opportunity. Lima is just perfect for such purposes.

Women from other parts of Peru in Lima

Many of them come here in search of work, study and a better life. Lima is developing much faster than other regions of the country. This is especially evident in comparison with rural areas (although there is its own specifics of living). This development and multicultural environment attracts many women from all over Peru.

Rural women from Peru are said to be wonderful future wives. They are valued for their traditional family attitude and pleasant nature. However, the same can be said for most women in Peru. They are not only beautiful but also very intelligent, kind, family oriented and have unsurpassed character. Such women are probably created for the traditional family life that many Western men dream of.

This type of women can be attributed to our subjectively selected term average Peruvian women and can be found not only in Lima, but also in other cities.

Women in Cusco, Peru

It is a tourist city where most of the paths of those whose dream is to visit Machu Picchu converge. That is why here you can meet many pretty female tourists from the whole globe. And, as it was said before, many of them are eager to communicate. So don’t miss your chance with these women.

If you still prefer local Peruvian women, there is a chance to meet many local women of indigenous origin.

Both types of described women you can meet in crowded places and on the same crowded tourist routs. The easiest way to start conversation with female tourists is either ask for an advice (ask her to accompany you or become kind of your guide) or just propose to walk together to famous places.

Is it worth going to Cusco?

Definitely, yes. But mostly for a real tourist purpose. There are really many beautiful places that are breathtaking and worth visiting.

If your goal is to meet women, I don’t know if Cusco is a good idea, unless you really want to meet local women – descendants of the Incas.

Are women in Cusco short?

Yes. Most local women are short. These are typical features of indigenous origin. This type of women is usually not very popular with many foreign men.

By no means I don’t want to offend these women. It’s just that for many foreign men, the purpose of coming to Peru is dating. For example, they want to invite a woman to a bar or cafe, talk about various topics, drink a cocktail. This is how most dates happen. After all, many people dream of learning to dance rumba and do it with funny but confident movements. But with indigenous women from Cusco, this option is almost impossible. If it still was possible for you, please, share it in the comments.

Excessive modesty of these women and a kind of “privacy” may seem unattractive to many foreign men. Therefore, if you are looking for an acquaintance with a Peruvian woman, it is better to go to Lima. Urban women have a European style of behavior, are open to dating and have completely different appearance traits that are very attractive to men.

In Cusco, on the other hand, there is a great chance to meet women tourists from different countries, who often do not mind meeting men tourists. However, this is not what we are looking for in Peru, even though it is an interesting experience, but the acquaintance is not with Peruvian women.

Maybe it’s worth to try Arequipa instead?

Arequipa is the biggest city in Peru after Lima. This is not exactly a tourist city, although there are many tourists and various attractions too. As we said earlier, tourists prefer the capital of Peru and the city of Cusco, which is often a destination point to visit Machu Picchu. However, Arequipa also has a lot of not only beautiful places, but also beautiful local women.
Local women are usually short. This is typical of almost all cities in Peru, except Lima. (For some reason, women in Lima are taller than in other cities in the country, and that’s not just my observation.) Despite their short stature, there are many very beautiful ones among them.

There are no special tips for dating women in Arequipa. Due to the fact that Arequipa is a large city, women here are more relaxed and open than in small provincial cities.

Your “foreigner bonus” works great in Arequipa, so I advise you to use it when meeting local women. You will immediately see that at least one of them has paid attention to you.

Using eye-contact and then a short conversation, an experienced man can immediately understand whether woman is showing positive attention and whether there is chemistry between you. If you like a woman, it will be very easy for you to start a conversation with her. She herself will be the initiator. But at the same time you also have to act like a man. That is, to invite her on a date the next day.

If you made a woman in Arequipa interested in you, she will definitely agree to see you the next day or some other day. If she stops messaging or postpones a possible date for forever long time – do not waste time on her. Either she just didn’t like you, or you did something wrong, or she has a boyfriend or something else – don’t dwell. Life is beautiful and you have many other options.

The best dating places in Arequipa

All the same as in any big city. Depends on your goals. You can choose different options – the main street, bars, restaurants, hostels, nightclubs, places where they teach dancing and more. Beautiful local women are everywhere and it all depends on three main factors: you and your ability to start a conversation along with your physical presence in a particular city (Arequipa). That’s all.


Most likely to meet interesting women in Peru has a foreigner who goes to Lima. In the Peruvian capital, women are more open, globalized, and often even looking themselves for foreigners to meet. Here is a chance to meet both: local women of different origins and pretty female tourists from all countries some of which you might never even heard of.

However, other big cities, such as Arequipa, are also good for dating. The main thing is your positive mood, ability to communicate with women, lack of complexes and great desire. Depending on what you really want, you need to choose a place for a potential acquaintance.

In cities where there are large crowds of tourists, such as Cusco, it is more likely to meet not local women, but female tourists from all over Peru and various countries of the world.

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