Dating Peru

Dating Peruvian woman – tips and peculiarities

  • June 26, 2020
  • 9 min read
Dating Peruvian woman – tips and peculiarities

Where to find Peruvian women for dating?


In big cities it’s not hard to find a woman whom you might start dating with. Women in Peruvian cities are pretty, open-minded and eager for communication. Don’t get me wrong – it doesn’t mean women from rural Peru are worse.

It’s just that in cities you have more chances, because there are more single women, more single women eager dating, more single women eager dating foreigner and more women in general.

In addition, women in Peruvian cities are not that conservative as their counterparts from the villages or other small communities might be.

Urban women are more open to dating foreigners and may even speak some English.

What cities in Peru it is better to start your search?

First what comes up into mind, of course, is Lima. Lima is the capital, but there is no need to focus on the capital only. Peru is full of other nice cities you might haven’t even heard of – Cusco (Urubamba Valley area), Huancayo, Sullana, Juliaca, Ayacucho, Arequipa etc. For biggest cities of Peru you might check Wikipedia.


Places to find a woman for dating in Peru are pretty standard. Clubs, bars, shopping malls and even streets. It all depends on your imagination and level of personal shyness.

However, if you are all about serious relationship, it is hardly worth looking for a future girlfriend in the club. Although there are cases when a meeting at the club led to a happy family in the future. You never know.

Your own country

There is also a chance to meet Peruvian woman in your home country. At least in the USA there is high possibility. For this you have to check online communities where you can find Peruvian women in USA or use Latin dating site.

What is more important – Peruvian woman who lives in the States usually speaks fluent or at least descent English and there would be no language barrier.

Why you should start dating woman from Peru?


Come on, which guy doesn’t dream of mesmerizingly charming girlfriend? That feeling when you’re walking with that much hot stuff near… Oh…

Women in Peru like to look nice, being feminine and stylish on no occasion – they just want to look nice all the time. They like to dress up nice clothes with great taste and look. They do not to exaggerate with make up, what personally I see as great plus.


For Peruvians dating is serious step in life that usually leads to the marriage. If you call her ‘girlfriend’ it is very serious for her. Try to be honest if you started dating Peruvian woman. Take into consideration here in Peru words most often mean what they mean without hidden context.

If you are not serious about relationship – you better not make it go too far.


Peruvian girlfriend is fun and you will never be bored with her.

Simple traditional approach

Most of women in Peru are keeping to their traditions and this makes them only more attractive along with national identity.

As many Peruvian women are still romantic – they love old-school approach in wooing.

First date in Peru – how to prepare

First steps

Naturally, first of all you have to find a woman whom you’re going to ask for a date. If you liked a woman, but don’t know how to do the first step, come closer and ask her about something in Spanish. The worse your Spanish is – the better. Most likely she will find you attractive and funny and the conversation would start.

Remember that many Peruvians you start talking to might already have boyfriend. That’s why for gaining some success it is better to make more attempts. The more women you communicate with – the more chances you have to ask one of them for a date. So don’t give up.

Place and your appearance

It is good when for the first date you dress up well and ask her to the restaurant. Good dinner and a bottle of wine are well appreciated.


The bouquet of roses will help you win her special attention. Although it seems odd and old fashioned for Westerners, you still might use this trick with success in Peru.

Finishing the first date

After the restaurant you may just have romantic walk under the stars, taking her hand.

Is language that important?

Knowing Spanish is important, but not critical. An entry level will suffice to strike up a conversation. But in the long run, especially if you want a serious relationship, you should start learning Spanish at a more in-depth level.

Even if your girlfriend knows English well, you still need to learn Spanish. This will not only improve your personal knowledge, but also allow you to communicate with her parents, brothers, sisters and other members of a large family.

Even if you plan to live with her in your home country in the future, you will still have to spend a long period of time in Peru (getting acquainted, dating period itself, getting acquainted with family members, visa making time, etc). And without knowledge of the language it will be difficult. It might create additional inconveniences, misunderstandings or even troubles.

She will be pleased if you show interest in her language, culture and customs.

Must know things about dating in Peru

When we are talking about dating women in Peru I have to explain you one important difference. It has to deal with the meaning of the word ‘girlfriend’ in Peru.

You may find it not only interesting but useful as well, unless you have already heard about it.

When you call a woman with Spanish word enamorada it means you are dating, but you don’t show your readiness to become boyfriend or husband in the future.

If you call your Peruvian girlfriend novia it also means girlfriend, but this type of relationship is very serious and is the synonym to engaged people or people who are going to get married.

If you want to start with something, it is best of all begin with communicating Peruvian women online.

What are surprising places to spend a date in Peru?

It is very good if you have already met a beautiful local woman and have spent a successful first date. Now it’s time for improving. You need to “inflate the fire” of feelings. This should be done skillfully and carefully so as not to accidentally extinguish the fire completely.

The best approach is to get to know the culture of Peru together with Peruvian girlfriend, holding hands together, meeting the sunrise and sunset, watching the breathtaking scenery in a romantic atmosphere.

To do this, ask her to visit the sights of the country with you. In this way you will show interest in her culture and at the same time this course of events will make you closer.

Machu Picchu

Ask her to visit this place. Maybe she’ll tell you something interesting. Maybe she will remember some interesting stories. Or maybe she has never been here at all and thanks to you will visit Machu Picchu.

Why is a date necessarily a restaurant, flowers and an artificial smile? Let it be physical fatigue, interesting information, fresh air and the presence of other people. This will help to be yourself in the natural environment, relieve unnecessary stress and bring you closer. After all, most strong and happy relationships begin with friendship.

Nazca Desert

Another kind of non-trivial date, where you can spend the whole day together. Well, who has never dreamed in his life to look at pictures of this desert from a bird’s eye view?

Most Peruvians themselves have never seen this beauty from a height. Therefore, for your girlfriend from Peru, it will be an unforgettable experience.

Lake Titicaca

To begin with you will need to come to the city of Puno. From here you can start exploring the highest mountain lake in the world. Don’t forget to have enough water with you.

Before traveling, find out if your girlfriend has health problems, because in the highlands the air is thinner and harder to breathe. The sun also shines there with a higher dose of ultraviolet light.

If you are both in good health, ready to discover new places and cultures, a trip to Lake Titicaca will be a great opportunity not only to see something new and meet interesting people, but also to take great selfies together against the beautiful views of the lake and mountains.

What kind of relationship do women in Peru prefer?

With a view to the future

If a woman in Peru wants to meet you, then most likely in the future she is ready to become your wife.

Most relationships in Peru are long-term. Long-term relationships are what most of Peruvian women expect when choosing a boyfriend.

Unfortunately, the plans of foreign men and Peruvian women for the future often do not coincide. Sometimes foreign men deceive Peruvian women and give vain hopes for a happy future together.

Relationship with a reliable man

A man who can be trusted and who is always ready to “settle the situation”.

Men think they have a long time to impress a woman. In fact, it works quite differently. A woman gets to know a man in the first few minutes of dating.

Therefore, when meeting a woman from Peru, she will immediately feel whether you are a reliable man and whether you meet her internal criteria. Everything is solved almost immediately.

Relationship based on feelings

Sounds banal. However, contrary to popular belief, Peruvian women are in no hurry to jump on the neck of every foreigner.

If at the beginning mutual interest is enough, later it must be transformed into trust and responsibility for each other.

Is dating Peruvian for you?

Dating in Peru means to be very inter-social and close to woman’s family and friends. It means not only spending time together, walking in the park or going to the restaurant – it also means visiting girlfriend’s parents, house, her friends, watching movies together, having fun doing outdoor activities together, etc. In general in means active social life within new company.

If you’re ready for such active life – go for it. Although, if you’re kind of shy person you’ll have many personal challenges to cope with. Also it might be hard dating Peruvian for guys who are phlegmatic type and like more calm flow of things, although that’s my personal opinion.

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