10 Tips You Have to Know Before Dating Woman from Poland

Polish girl is real treasure you got if you are dating her and building serious relationships together. However, it is not all honey and sweets and there are many times when you are arguing about different things. Polish girl is a lady, a personality which would never be obedient, but therefore much more interesting for man to conquer. By the word “conquer” I mean make her pay attention at you and make a decision to be with you. Polish girls among all Slavic girls have only beauty in common, but their type of character and the way they present themselves in live and behave has much more in common with Western women, however, Polish girls are still more family oriented, but they are very different from Eastern Slavs in general understanding and you have to take it into consideration. Polish girl is perfect girlfriend and future wife because she combines such things as: genuine Slavic beauty, is personality with her own principles which you have to share and respect, she is not obedient and that is why attractive to man as she needs to be conquered but along with this she is family oriented, dreams about making happy family, having kids so shares traditional values along with western emancipating features of personal behavior. As for me, this is very interesting symbiosis which attracts men once and for all. Seriously, if you have met Polish girl once you will not forget her till the rest of your life. So, sharing my own experience I would like to give you some hints which might help you in dating process with Polish girlfriend or at least would help you to understand her better.
1. It is very general point everyone repeats, but if you want to be with chosen Polish girl you have to be yourself. When I liked Polish girl I communicated with I was a little afraid what she will think about me, but then I decided to behave the way I am and whatever happens. My decision was a right choice as she got more interested in me.
2. Be initiative. When you are going to have the first date with girl from Poland relax and try to make it like you are leading. Appoint the day of the meeting, place and time. In the morning write something like ‘how are you’ and then ‘so, I’m waiting for you at 1 o’ clock near shopping mall “Whatever”’. When you meet her propose what to do. Take her hand as if it was not your intention and make tactile contact.
3. Be interesting. Make her laugh, smile, make her exited. Show your erudition if you have. Do not let her be bored and the ways you impress her is up to you to decide and they are very different, including not trivial.
4. Be reliable. Show your Polish girlfriend at the very beginning you are reliable man and if she will be with you she can always count on you. If she calls you and ask for help you have to do your most impossible but help her.
5. Be perspective. Tell her briefly about your plans for life and about what you are doing for life. The best would be if you tell her about short time plan and following it – complete it step by step demonstrating her you achieving your goals. For example, if you want to start your own Internet business in half a year tell her and inform her from time to time about this. Do not be afraid to tell you are failed in something because the most important is that you stand up after fall and move on. Only strong personalities can recognize they were wrong and start improving. Your girlfriend would appreciate that. If you have YouTube channel where you go to the forest and cook dinner – tell her about this. When you gained more subscribers tell her about this. All things where you demonstrate your success are good to inform, but it should be not boasting, but informing from time to time.
6. Be ready to quarrels from time to time, but be wise. Negative emotions are able to ruin the strongest relationships so do not let them grow. If conflict has started and you think your point of view is correct that just explain her your point of view and that is it. Even when she will tell this is not right – do not argue. Arguing with woman you are always going to lose as she is more emotional and will use this to win. What is better to do when you argued with Polish girl? It is better to cool down and use little ignore. Let her have some rest from you and vice verse. But that is not that easy to do and if you are on emotions that you risk to write her or call her and spoil everything even more. Take a break and go for some sports. Yes, not alcohol, friends or movie. Go and have a long run or ride a bicycle. Then go to the gym and do some weight lifting. When you will get more tired you would feel more satisfied and sure in yourself. Such action releases nervous system and at the same time makes you more confident as the man due to splash of hormones like testosterone. And it also gives you time to make needed brake. When there is time for bringing everything well again, don’t try to remember about yesterday. You may apologize, but it is better to start conversation with something neutral. If it does not help, give her more time. If it does not help as well then find out what is wrong, but usually if it is not something very serious everything will be alright. It is also good to kiss her, make her massage or please her in some way.
7. Make your Polish girlfriend presents. Give her flowers, buy her some jewelry. It should not be expensive, but you will make her happy. For example, when you go to shopping mall and look at some clothes or when she liked some shoes, ask her to make her such present. If she tells no insist on it. Believe me, she will be very happy and she would appreciate that. But don’t mistake with spending large sums of money when the girl literary demands it from you, something like “buy me ne smartphone” – this is completely different type of girls everywhere in the world you should omit and Poland is not an exception.
8. Do not be afraid to apologize or to show your appreciation. Of course, too much attention from you will make her feel needed and she might even lose interest from you, so keep the balance. But phrase “The less we love women the more she likes us” is not fully appropriate in case with Polish girl but only partially.
9. From time to time play on her emotions. Girls like emotions – and surprisingly both – positive and negative. If you make her nervous for some reason this is good because she has not forget about you. If you don’t agree with something don’t to be afraid to show disgrace. She might be pissed off, but you have to stand on your point of view. Tease her from time to time, but not on purpose – life will bring you such situations.
10. Make serious relationships with Polish girl only if you really love her and want to have common future with her. Polish girl quickly accepts you as future husband and your dating life will improve dynamically like common living, renting common apartment, future plans. Polish girls have strong relations with their close family and if she lives with you it means she agreed this with her parents and they know about you. Never ever tell anything bad about her parents directly. If, for example, her mom has some influence tell your girl you think the other way out is better, but don’t tell her that her mother is wrong. As you see, if girlfriend counts on you so her parents know you are together she lives you, your life is part of your life and if you are just playing with her and do not want anything serious than never start relations. Polish girls are wonderful also because they are very direct – they don’t like hints and accept the truth without connotations and reminding. Try not to disappoint your Polish girlfriend and she will be the best person who will love, support and appreciate you in your life.