Dating Poland

Polish Woman: Treasure for Every Man?

  • April 22, 2020
  • 5 min read
Polish Woman: Treasure for Every Man?

What is the secret special charm, which Polish women managed to keep even in these difficult times? The recently concluded census data contains a lot of very curious facts. For example, for every hundred men in Poland there are 106.5 women. Number of widows is almost 2.5 million. In the cities one out of four women is lonely. In the villages every third man does not have wife. How did it happen that in a country with such a strong patriarchal, religious traditions and unusual social culture women gave men a head start? And this in spite of the system change from socialist to capitalist, in spite of so many everyday “storms”. Many men lose heart, but “kobiety” that how in Polish you say “woman”, on the contrary, sprang. 10.4 percent Polish women have a master’s degree, while 9.3 per cent of Polish men have the same.

Twice as many women than men succeed in their studies and work. Polish women have much better health: they live longer than men, and at the age of 55-65years every third woman complains of malaise and among man – every second. In nursing homes there are three times less women than men.

As if feeling their self-sufficiency and independence, Polish women were later solved onthe birth of a child. And child often comes into the world of those who do not have a wedding ring. The numberof such births in the last ten years has doubled. It has long been portrayed in the legend that Polish woman is cherished woman for every man. Census of population, of course, did not ask to find out it was true or not. But researchers are restless. According to their data, the vast majority of Polish women are satisfied with the number ofsexual intercourse, while men would like to increasetheir frequency by half.

91 percent of Polish men and 52 percent of Polish women feel the desire to have close relations several times a week. More than half of men and one in fourwomen think about sex every day. 47 percent of respondents recognized that each month in the field of a sexual relations occurmisunderstandings. Problems occur yusually after 50. Most of the men in this age, if they do not exasperate any disease,showing increasing sexual activity. Not by chance they are interested in youngpartner. Women who crossed the half-century mark, slowly fade. But it used to be so until now. The emergence of all kinds of exciting products, aggressive women’s publications and magazines more women do not want to suppress their sexuality and to restrict their freedom, because they are nowfinancially independent. Sexual needs and requirements are growing, as well as complaints aboutall sorts of sexual disorders. Half of Polish women aged 20-65 years complaining about the decline in libido and difficulty with reaching orgasm.

According to the most recent survey data, 84 per cent of Polish women aged 25-34 believe sexual satisfaction is the most important feature ofintimacy with a man. Ten years ago, 48 percent of women in Poland approved sex only within marriage. Now this figurehas dropped to 31 percent.

It is often heard from the pages of magazines: sit down and look in the mirror. Yes, you’re beautiful, you have a car, a job, a house, a good man, but what about your orgasm? In general, sex is too elevated in the hierarchy of values. It became a kind of readersexport commodity. Not taken into account the fact that after many years of stable sexual life modern erotic thoughts can be shocking for a spouse.

Polish women are true spouses

Only every fourth Polish women out of all respondents want to have children. And at this point Roman Catholic Church started to appeal worries, convinced that without child in the family there could be no lasting marital union. The fact is that the stereotype of Polish mother is broken. Half a centuryago, Polish woman was in no hurry to work in theinstitution, and was engaged only in the children education and rising them up. This was the mainsource of the value of women. Today, it does not matter. That’s why women give birth later and havefewer children. Of course, notice that around a lot of happy womenwho deliberately refused from motherhood.

From the above figures the one may get the impression that fidelity today is not held in high esteem. That’s not true. According to polls 93 percent of respondents considered the most important feature ofthe conjugal union is loyalty. This explains not only the church. Any woman who has got married and wants to have a good family dareams about strong relations where none of family mambers is a cheater.

Features of everyday life did not diminish, but in contrary, added even more charm to Polish ladies. They absorb the desire to be beautiful with mother’s milk. From an early age every motherteaches her daughter how to care for themselves,painted, brings his eyes, that much of what constitutes the ability to be so much liked by women.

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