Dating Romania

Why are Romanian women so beautiful?

  • April 11, 2020
  • 4 min read

There are few main reasons and many minor reasons and we’ll tell about them in this article. The main reason of Romanian women’s beauty is genetic code. This is the main factor. Genes influence the most and you can nothing to do with that. If consider the fact Slavic women are the prettiest in the world and Romanians are 80% Slavs  everything becomes logical. Other 20% is believed to be mixture of cultures like Turks and nations from the Balkans. Today’s Romanians are mixture of Thracians, Slavic and Wallachia’s, where Slavic influence is the biggest and the most vivid.

Do not believe those who say Romanian women are so pretty because they do not eat junk food in big quantities, do not drink as much soda, spend a lot of time outside, move a lot and therefore are slim and also invest more than Western women in their appearance.

These facts are so minor that they do not influence a lot on the real natural beauty of Romanian women. If you were born not pretty, neither healthy food nor hours in the gym nor visiting beauty salons would never help you to become pretty.

On the contrary, many Romanian women eat junk food, do not visit gym and never get extra kilos looking just perfect, because they were born pretty. Quick metabolism and genetically inherited body structure do wonders.

There is also theory that in Western Europe all the prettiest women disappeared during times of inquisition as they were considered to be witches. As inquisition lasted for centuries, the genome of pretty women was almost completely extinct in Western Europe, but not in Romania.

Of course, this might be partially true. But what about many other countries that didn’t have the influence of inquisition but still have lack of pretty women?

As additional factors that contribute to the theory of Romanian women beauty are low average income and 75 % unemployment among new generation of Romanians that make them actively move, think, work, find the way out of the situation. Active person is always slim and therefore pretty.

What else makes Romanian women beautiful?

1) Consuming more healthy food, gathered on the own piece of land (in small towns and villages);

2) Knowing how to use appropriate makeup, just to emphasize natural beauty;

3) Good sense of style that is seen in manner of acting and in clothes they wear;

4) Slow level of aggressiveness;

5) Ability to be happy and smile from minor things like sun shining, sudden meeting of a friend;

6) Ability to live in natural way, no hate, but love, without unnatural emancipate ideas;

7) Not being followed into Western values like competition, fame, feminist approach and proclamations men are useless (balance in the nature was always vital and remains to be no matter what some people say).

If we are talking about inner beauty, then Romanian women win here as well, as their aim is to be in relationship with wise kind man, giving love to each other, creating happy family and raising kids together.

Romanian women are looking for the man who would support them during their common life and are interested in this more than in some financial prospects. Although, financial aspect is also important, just as anywhere in the world.

Romanian women are religious; they believe in God, most of them are Christians. I would not say most of them visit church often and pray every day, but if you ask whether they believe in God, they would say “Yes”, adding they are Christians.

They usually celebrate the greatest holidays like Christmas or Easter with their families. These facts also make them attractive representatives of traditional family values.

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