Dating Ukraine

The Best 17 Advices For The First Date With Ukrainian woman

  • April 5, 2020
  • 9 min read
The Best 17 Advices For The First Date With Ukrainian woman

Some men are just crazy about idea of showing themselves as best as they can during the first date. Some men do not really care. What’s the right attitude? You are welcome to choose any ‘strategy’ you want because dating is kind of the game and there is no final winner or loser, actually, there is, but day by day the situation is changing.

Right on the first date it is important to make woman interested in you. When it is going about the first date – most of men get nervous. Except for those who have experience in dating and are self confident enough. If you are not one of those guys – the first date with Ukrainian woman might seem a serious challenge for you.

It is all because Ukrainian women are known as very pretty ones, according to many questionnaires – they share top 5 of the most pretty women in the world. And most of the men are afraid of pretty women. Why? Most of men only dream of dating pretties and discuss women with friends but when it comes to action in real life – many are afraid to start conversation with pretty model looking woman.

By the way, there are facts that many pretty women in Ukraine remain single for a long time because most of men think these women already have boyfriend or husband and the rest half of potential partners are just afraid to start conversation.

How to behave on the first date with Ukrainian woman so you have some chance to get the second date with her?

You have to understand that this is just a date and nothing more. Pleasant common time spending. That’s it. It is not a start of your married life yet and it is not going about serious relationship at this time. You both are just exploring each other and this is normal.

If you take it easy it would help you to show your main positive sides. Remember that not only you are nervous, but the woman might be nervous as well. You better keep your anxiety on lower level that the one of Ukrainian woman you’re going to date. In such a way you are showing your confidence and this is what Ukrainian women appreciate in men the most.

You do not need to do anything special to get her attention but just to be yourself. Do not worry if something goes wrong – you are who you are. It is normal. If that Ukrainian woman will not accept you for traits of character you have (for who you are) – she’s not the one. In any case, the first date is a try for both to understand whether you fit together or not. You have to realize that result might be unexpected. But this will be natural result.

Read also: How Do I Attract Ukrainian Woman

Worse if you spoil everything by lack of knowledge and wrong type of behavior on the first date. Do not pretend you are someone else. Ukrainian women are good life psychologists and will easily find out you are pretending, unless you are really great actor. But even if you succeed in such a way – in the future the truth will come up and it would make only worse.

Why to start possible relationship with lies? What if later on, when you both get used to each other, this lie ruin your relationship? It would be hard for both. That’s why it’s very important to be the way you are.

Men always pay most attention to woman’s appearance. Women also pay attention to appearance of the man, but not that much as men pay attention to women. Well known fact that women fall in love with their ears. It would be wise to use this knowledge during the first date with woman from Ukraine.

Make your Ukrainian lady reasonable compliments, but know the measure and control – so they would not cross ‘immoral line‘. Do not afraid to start conversation first, as even though Ukrainian women are gorgeous and it might scare some men, they have mild characters. It is not the case where if woman looks stylish and pretty it means she is hard to start conversation with.

Clothes on the first date with Ukrainian. It should be clean and semi-formal is the best option. Jeans and casual style T-shirt are ok. Do not wear a suit as this is real exaggeration. Sportswear is not acceptable under any condition.

Ukrainian women pay special attention to shoes and… fingers. Shoes must be clean and nails should be cut. Choose nice perfume, but do not take too much and keep measure in everything. Wearing pale and dark colors will help you seem more calm.

Ukrainian women like guys who are confident, keep their word and for this it is better not to be late for the first date. Much better is to come 5 minutes in advance. Ukrainian women like men of leader type, therefore you have to be initiative.

When you met her, present a bouquet of flowers – it is a must to do on the first date with Ukrainian woman. She just needs such sign of attention. Propose minimum three places you would like to go to and let the lady to choose.

Have you noticed, you still choose the place yourself, because the woman has no other options but to choose between the places you’ve proposed – this is called pseudo-choice. This is where you subconcsiously demonstrate your leadership. Hardly possible that she will propose something on her initiative. But if yes – no problem. Maybe she knows the place better? She’s local here.

Boring quiet guy is the worst what could happen on a date with Ukrainian woman. But another extreme when guy can’t shut his mouth is also not good. Measure in everything means you have to talk less and to do more. Ask your Ukrainian lady short general questions. In conversation you also have to be the leader. Asking her more questions than she asks you means you rule the parade. But this has to be wise. It shouln’t be interrogation, but unobtrusive conversation.

What do you talk about on the first date with Ukrainian woman? About everything you want, but there are some taboo topics. It is not a secret Ukrainian women like guys who go to their goals, who try to achieve something in life, in business, in work – such focused guys. If you feel it is appropriate you may tell about your achievements, what are your goals, what do you do for making money for life (without numbers). Just show you do something interesting, important and something which brings you good income.

The list of taboo topics on the first date with Ukrainian woman. (Or what we do not talk about on the first date with woman from Ukraine).

– If you are ill or have some health problems do not discuss it during the first date. Subconsciously woman will take you for a weak guy who is not able to provide possible future family with all necessary and who could give weak (same as himself) progeny.

– Do not talk about your ex-girlfriend or ex-wife. It is always unpleasant to compare yourself with someone else. And that’s what woman would do if you talk about your previous relationship. Such conversation would not bring anything positive. It might take place some day in the future – if you will date each other, but it’s not time for it now. 

– Do not speak on topics you do not like.

– Do not say anything bad about other people even if they deserved. This may play bad for you. She might know the proverb: Person who talks bad about other people in front of me would talk bad about me in front of other people.

– If you have some drawbacks it is forbidden to talk about them. You must show yourself in the best light as this is the first date. Woman has to get interested in you and wait for the next time you meet with anticipation. Only in such case serious relationship is possible.

But if you focuse on drawbacks? What impression you’re going to make? Would she be eager to meet you once again? I have serious doubts. So only positive stuff during the first date! All the drawbacks she’d have time to explore later when you live together 🙂

Be fun. Ukrainian women like guys with whom they like to explore new things and when they feel drive from life. If you’re able to show it right away – go for it.

Good sense of humor is a king of the first date. If you can make woman laugh – you can easily win her heart.

Ukrainian women like to be near strong man’s shoulder even if they show and tell the opposite. In eyes of Ukrainian woman you have to be the leader. It is good if on the first date you take her hand and go somewhere.

It should be made spontaneous and she has not understand what has happened, but subconsciously she will. Taking her hand means you lead her somewhere and she follows you. For example, you’ve seen a coffee carriage on the streets of Kyiv, took her hand and said ‘Let’s have some coffee! Which one you preffer: americano or latte? Or you preffer tea?’

Read also: Why Ukrainian women who speak decent English often marry foreigners

After the date propose to walk her home if this is a small town. It this is big city date, good option would be to call the cab for her. As for kiss on the first date with Ukrainian woman – act on the situation. It is possible, but not with every woman and depends on many factors. If you think it is appropriate you may try. If you are not sure than it is better to wait until the later date with Ukrainian woman.

The next date you have to show her you remember about her. If the date went well, write her text message in the morning. Wish her a good day. Later during the day make her a call. Do not be in hurry to write or call her – this would show her you need for her. Do not wait for too long to call or write – this is demonstration of ignorance.

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