12 Things To Forget About When Dating Woman From Poland

Dating a girl means there would be some things she might not like in you and therefore you will have either to omit doing them or to make your girl understand she must either take you for who you are or not to be with you. Dating process is very similar to dragging blanket; actually dating is kind of a game between man and woman which they enthusiastically play. Are there any special things Polish girls can’t stand you have to know about? What should you better not do and what you will have to forget about if you want to stay with Polish girlfriend?
1. Polish girls can not stand indifferent guys and they will try to provoke you for different actions of jealousy. This is how they check whether you have feelings or not. She might tell you some stories about messaging with friend from childhood but at the moment of the greatest emotional tension she will tell you the truth and smile. So, first what you will have to forget about if you want to be with girlfriend who is from Poland is indifference.
2. Dating girl from Poland forget about all you knew about girls before and act according to the situation. Do not think that now you have to pay all your free time to your new spouse. Polish girl needs no have time for self development and she would demand some time “free of your attention”, no matter how weird it might sound to you now.
3. Forget about standard stereotypes and live full interesting life which now includes interesting, intelligent and very pretty girlfriend. You both have found each other and you have not been tweaked to one another before, so do not do it now, otherwise you could spoil the beginning of promising common relationships.
4. Forget about associating yourself with you playing the role of “real man” and your girlfriend do not assume to playing only the role of “girlfriend”. Just live the life where you both bring pleasure and joy to each other.
5. When dating girl from Poland do not think you are the center of the universe for her and all you need to do is reminding her about your being. She knows about your feelings and your real attitude to her, but there is no need to “put oil into the fire” as it will cause refusing. Do not interfere into your girlfriend’s life too much. She will have some secrets and things she does not want to tell you about as for now, but it is ok. Every woman is a treasure and every treasure is covered with secrets and a little mystique, so do not brake the fairytale with your own hands, otherwise you will be punished for such intrusion into the laws of the nature.
6. Forget about trying to make you make your Polish girlfriend admit that you are the main person in her life. If you will try to do that she will do everything to prove you the opposite. It does not mean she does not love you – she does, but such rugged nature Polish girls have. They hate when someone demands them to recognize or to do something under the pressure. So, even is she adores you and in fact you are person number one for her, she would tell you that you are not, and there are more important people (even if it is not true, when usually it is).
7. Forget about reminding your Polish girlfriend about your authority in this relationships, or she will be pissed and show you her worst shades of character. Polish girls are not obedient, but quite independent and emancipated and most appreciate their personal freedom, usually considering the relationship with her boyfriend as a useful and interesting addition, but not necessity.
8. Forget about boring life! Having Polish girl you will never be bored since the day you met her. Interesting places nearby, exotic countries and passionate mornings along with quiet romantic evenings – this is what is waiting for you with girlfriend from Poland!
9. Forget about your traditional understanding of the family duties. Even though Polish girl is family oriented, it is going more about traditional family and having children, but not about cleaning the house and doing laundry on Saturdays! So, forget about lying on the sofa and watching TV, get up and start to make order around you. You have to know than now you share house duties together.
10. Forget about comparing Polish girl’s attitude to the one of Western woman. Although it has many in common, there are many differences which apply mostly to Polish girls. In general Polish girl demands delegation of duties and rights, but at the same time she expects man to show manners and to be gentleman: like helping her to carry heavy parcels, for example, open the doors in front of her and letting her enter first, buying women flowers – all what would be unacceptable for emancipated Western woman.
11. Forget about calm life course, because now you are on emotional minefield. She is going to bring you out of balance from time to time, to make you jealous and nerves – all to check whether you still love her. And the problem is that you never know when the next “emotional shake” is going to take place. It seems like it is ok, like you are the best couple ever and nothing could ruin your endless love and… in an hour you are yelling at each other trying to prove each other who is right.
12. Forget about reminding your girlfriend from Poland there were other girls in your life before she came into your life. Especially unacceptable is comparison of her and your ex-girls in some particular things like cooking, sex, cleaning, having common time together etc.
What you have NEVER to forget about in any relationships is RESPECT. It includes respect to yourself where you always keep to your own opinion, but admit and accept another point of view if it has undeniable arguments (you’re not afraid to recognize it) – it is called self-respect and most women choose only men who have this quality of man’s character developed. And of the same importance is respect to your girlfriend as this means you take care about her and your love is proved by actions because you are able to listen and make appropriate actions if needed.