Dating Latvia

Some important tips for dating Latvian women

  • April 9, 2020
  • 6 min read

Dating seems the same everywhere in the world. Many think this looks the following way. If man liked a woman he has to start conversation with her and if she reacts well and has no boyfriend it is good time to ask her for a date. If she agreed and the date went well he asks her for the next date. In the future it will become vivid what relationship is going to transform into – either marriage or break up. Such scenario is quite generalized and bird’s-eye seen. In every particular case dating has its own peculiar differences that depend on the woman and her character, man and his character and other things.

For those Americans or Europeans who think of dating woman from Latvia I would advice to act, to make an efforts, but not only sit home or at work and staring at the monitor looking for tips. Gathering information is good, but then it has surely to be transformed into the next step – actions. They should be directly connected with real possibility of dating Latvian woman. Such actions are visiting Latvia and start getting acquainted with local women; keep in mind not every woman you meet in Latvia would like to go for a date with you or even like you as person. It might be quite a long run until you find some candidates for girlfriend in Latvia.

Actually, I don’t understand American or Western European men who dream of dating, but do nothing for it. Come on, guys! Latvia is in European Union and is easily easy to get-in country. There are many companies which offer cheap flights from the USA to Europe and back. If it is going about plane ticket from any EU country to Latvia it costs just pinchbeck. Many foreigners have already done so and feel happy, so why you cannot be one of them? Book a flight to Riga, Latvia, for example, and then have some time living in this beautiful country. You may go to the seaside, somewhere to Jurmala, for example, and meet there many nice local women who visit this resort city at the Baltic Sea.

It is also very important not to make many mistakes. Every country, every mentality has its own special features and women of Latvia have some things special to them. You will need to find out what to do or not to do when having date with Latvian woman. These tips, of course, are not compulsory to do, but still important to know and they will only help you. Also keep in mind unique nature of every particular woman. This fact has great influence as well, saying other words – be ready to react properly in your own situation and make the right conclusion quickly.

Slowly we came to the main point of the article – the tips. Probably, you would like to turn the date into long term relationship. Even if you’re not, this information would be helpful anyway, for general erudition of proper behavior with women.

Latvian woman is looking for interesting man, who is able to make her laugh, with whom she will have opportunity to feel alive, to spend great time together and to open something new. Latvian woman is rather looking for boyfriend who will bring new stream of fresh air in her life.

If you already know this – good. But if you are not very creative, creating new attractions and thinking of what interesting and fun to do for the woman you like makes you tired, do not do this. Just be who you are, be yourself.

Some say it is good to show your leader skills and show you are ‘the man’. If you have these skills, you can use them. Somewhere in the deepness of mind Latvian women could feel a need for a strong man’s shoulder, and in this case you will show her your real man’s qualities. Be aware. If you pretend, but don’t have leadership skills, Latvian woman would immediately notice your poor acting and your suffering role. In the best case she would consider it funny. In the worst – she would consider you insincere liar. That might lead to the end of your very relationship.

If you are not leader for life, you may find Latvian woman who is leader for life herself and that would make you both feel comfy. If she still expects for your leadership role, try to be more initiative. Find out more about the city you are in and propose to visit different places. That would be a kind of showing your leader qualities, but hidden and under the cover of nowadays society masks.

Choosing restaurant to spend date in it is better to choose romantic place. During dinner you can discuss different things, find out what she likes and see whether you suit each other or not. Good finish for the first date would be walking her to the cab. There might be first kiss or no, you will see it on the situation. Don’t be too pushy and either don’t be shy. It is better for man to be initiative and sometimes tactful than shy.

If she reacts positively at your hints to have one more date, it is great sign you made everything right and she liked you. Now you know her tastes and the second date could be rather different. For example, you may go skiing or skating and have lots of natural fun. Sipping hot tea after energetic skiing would make you physically tired and relaxed at the same time; in one word – it would make you closer.

Surprise your woman, even if she says she does not like surprises. You have to show you can be spontaneous, but not dangerous. Mixture of interesting and safe man at the same time. She will like you the way you are. Her perfect man is interesting person, who will never make her feel bored and at the same time whom she can always trust. You are the one who can hold her head on the shoulder even during the hardest periods of life.

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