Dating Romania

Short list of features that characterize Romanian women

  • January 18, 2020
  • 5 min read

Romanian women are very beautiful when they 20+ and the older Romanian woman gets the more her beauty fades away within every next year. This is truth not only in case with Romanian women, but some notice Romanian women have this very vivid contrast between women of different age. This is very subjective opinion and we ask not to take it for the rule.

What about other facts that characterize Romanian women? We’ll start from something really non-trivial, because facts like color of eyes and average hight are too intended. General features you’ll find in the list a little later.

Romanian women pay a lot of attention to their appearance. They use make up to emphasize their beauty and they do it in really skillful and professional way. Perhaps, they know their beauty is their personal theasure. Romanian woman is elegant, dressing up in nice fashion clothes. She has a taste and knows how to look great.

Other features are intelligence and ability to be interesting, to keep conversation on different topics. Most of Romanian women go to Universities as to get education is sort of a habit and must have in the country. Imagine such a mixture: intelligent, nice and kind woman at the same time. Then welcome to Romania.

There are so many nice women walking down the streets everywhere that you are going to be out of mind by visiting this country for at least a week. Though in a week this feeling gets a little more dull.

It’s like a protective gear of man’s body system. Sometimes there is a feeling you are on some fashion week and only models surround you everywhere. Those are very good words to describe characteristics of Romanian woman, as real natural beauty is one of this features.

If to talk about color of hair, many Romanian women are brunettes. The color of skin is a little dark, but only 20% of women have such color of skin, the rest are of typical Central European type. The color of eyes also varies from dark brown to deep blue and green. You can’t 100% sure say ‘this is Romanian woman walking down there’.

What about some other factors? Character itself is very interesting, mild. They listen to the man but at the same time may ‘turn into tigress out of a kitten’ if there is a reason.

Romanian women are emotional and this Southern blood mixture works perfectly. They are eager to talk. In most cases if you ask how to get to some place, nicely smiling they try to explain the route.

Some of them might have pretty good English and some would just dropping their shoulders and sweetly smiling. ‘Communicative’ is one more adjective to describe Romanian women. Communicative, eager to talk, helpful and hospitable suits best as well when we are talking about women of this country.

Are Romanian women feminist and emancipating? In general not that much. Even those who were abroad or live somewhere in the UK or in the US, for example, are not influenced much with feminist streams.

They usually see their main aim for life to be traditional type of wife and creation of successful family. Such an attitude to life is formed by years of  living in Romanian society.

Upbringing in the family plays here main role. Romanian women are brought up in a culture where man is considered family breadwinner. That is why they are not emancipated and take it for granted. Husbands usually happy to have such intelligent and caring wife.

Romanian woman is known for great ability to apply her skills in traditional Romanian cuisine, preparing dishes which would make every man feel himself the king of repast. Such ability to cook lies not only in traditions, given and passed from grannies to daughters, but by feminine ability to make a man happy.

Using different ways of applying these abilities they make their men feel joy. This abilities are something what hides somewhere deep in the heart of every Romanian woman. Food is very important aspect between man and woman as it is not only taste.

When woman feeds her man, he gets stronger, getting more power to protect family, to gain resources for the family. This treat has sacred meaning as when woman feeds a man she gives him energy and man converts this energy into new achievements.

One more major thing is ability and willing to take care of the family, to take care of kids. Romanian woman knows how to create peaceful atmosphere at home, how to make husband happy, how to take care and rise up children and how to create real home coziness in the family.

Although do not imagine Romanian woman as typical housewife in robe and slippers, who is staying near the stove all the day long in breaks visiting kids room to change dippers.

All we mentioned in this article is just a little part of all you could observe with your own eyes if you go to visit Romania. Such a great women could not be found in every country. We described here some main features or characteristics of average Romanian woman and the rest you have to explore by yourself if you wish.

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