Dating Ukraine

8 Mistakes On The First Date with Ukrainian Woman

  • May 21, 2020
  • 4 min read
8 Mistakes On The First Date with Ukrainian Woman

Unsuccessful first date cancels thousands of emerging stories of love. How to avoid mistakes and give your relationship a chance? What reckless things we do most often which from the very beginning eliminate all inspired endeavors and can become the reason of negative reaction of counterpart?

People often forget about the basic rule of the first date, which sounds as “You never get a second chance to make a first impression”.

1. Many are convinced that any mistakes made on the first date are easy to fix. They think something like this: “It’s okay that I’m in a bad mood and not in the best outfit. The next time I’ll surely be on top!” However, psychologists believe that the first impression is stored in the longest memory.

Of course, it could be changed somehow, but it is very difficult to change it completely. Due to inappropriate behavior towards your counterpart during the first date you may not assign the second date.

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2. You talk too much about yourself and about your advantages.

3. It is clear that every man wants to make a favorable impression on the woman. However, an active „advertising campaign” of yourself almost always causes badly hidden woman’s irritation. First of all, most of women are convinced that a good “product” does not need additional advertising. In this case your rhetoric calls into question your sincerity.

4. You always talk about something, no matter what? Often people struggle with stress and personal insecurity in this way. However, a woman evaluates this reaction of a man in a completely different way and may classify you as a non-reliable chronic chatterbox. Do you need it?

5. You do not try to maintain a conversation with a woman and do not ask her any questions.

On the one hand, this behavior of yours is a demonstration that you do not care about the interlocutor. That is, her female inner world does not interest you at all. On the other hand, you limit her in the pleasure of talking about your own achievements, philosophizing on everyday topics and assessing whether you are a good listener.

What matters to a woman is not your assessment of what she says, but your demonstration of interest. In this case she feels needed by you and begins to look for any contact with you.

6. You tell a woman about your ex-girlfriends. If your relationship continues to develop, one day she may ask you about it herself. (though this does not mean that she needs confession in details). But to talk about this on your own initiative on the first date is a fatal mistake!

The only exception, if the woman tells you about the main stages of her personal life and obviously is waiting for your true story. But in this case it is also better not to overdo with the details and emotions. It is enough to let her know that you have always enjoyed success with women.

By the way, even if all your previous novels ended not with your initiative, your new friend should never get to know it! Otherwise, at the beginning of relationship she may start to think there is something wrong with you.

7. Another topic which is better not to rise at early dating period with Ukrainian woman is your drawbacks. Just don’t show anything that could be your drawbacks. The desire to be very honest and sincere was the reason of many relationships to end at the very beginning. Do not tell you like to leave mess in the house, spent most of free time with your friends and leave clothes in the kitchen.

Read also: How to impress Ukrainian woman

8. Do not tell strictly about your level of income, otherwise she might only perceive you as a source of financial assistance. Although in this case you will be able to verify her true intentions, this is not best practice on a first date.

You can demonstrate your financial level indirectly – by your car, watch, clothes you wear and so on. The main thing is not to do it in words. Sometimes it is even better not to show all this on the first date. Dress up more casual and make her like you as the person, but not as potential source of financial benefits.

If you liked the woman, and the first date went well, at the end of the date ask her for another date. Do not be quiet and show her you liked her. It’s better than being shy and by this making her think you don’t like her. Ukrainian women love enterprising men.

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