Dating Ukraine

Will Ukrainian woman use all funds on your credit card?

  • September 23, 2020
  • 16 min read
Will Ukrainian woman use all funds on your credit card?

Among many foreign men who are going to visit Ukraine to meet beautiful Ukrainian single ladies, there is a common belief that when they come to Ukraine there is a high risk of losing significant amounts of money from their bank account.

Various articles on this topic add fuel to the fire. To catch the hype, it’s often needed to choose the right title of the article – and the job is done. Website owners often do so. However, is such information reliable?

Hype articles on popular topics are a common practice, but its purpose is not to help foreigners get to know Ukraine better, but the maximum number of visitors to the site.

Here we will find out more about visits of foreigners who fly to Ukraine in order to meet local unmarried women and how these guys can save significant amount of money on their account.

In other words – how to visit Ukraine so as to remain satisfied and have the desire to return to this wonderful country of contrasts again, rather than telling friends how you spent all your savings while communication period with a beautiful Ukrainian woman.

The risk exists, but it is rather little

Often foreign men go to Ukraine for the first time and therefore do not focus on local prices. Before arrival, you should do your own research about Ukraine, prices in Ukraine, cities, prices for transport, housing in Ukraine, what is the cost of lunch in a restaurant, etc.

We will try to help you as much as possible. We will give examples of prices in Ukraine, advise on how best to behave and give a lot of useful information.

We can be trusted, because the contributor of this article is a Ukrainian who lived, studied and worked in Ukraine until the age of 27. In addition, the author has many friends in Canada, USA, Poland, Australia and other countries. He always gives advice to his foreign friends when needed. This time shared his Ukraine expert tips with our readers and just with everyone interested in this topic.

Prices in Ukraine depend on the settlement (capital city, city, town, village)

The bigger the city in Ukraine, the more services and the greater the concentration of beautiful women. However, prices in such cities will be higher for all services, including rental housing, public transport, taxis, meals in restaurants and more.

Locals know where to buy things to save finances. Foreigners often spend large sums of money without knowing the real prices in Ukraine.

Prices in Kyiv. The capital of Ukraine.

Most Ukrainians from all over the country come to Kyiv in search of work. There are higher salaries than the national average and a much larger selection of vacancies where one can implement its professional skills.

There are a large number of different interesting places with their unique atmosphere in Kyiv, where you can meet interesting people. It is a large modern European capital. That is why most foreigners choose to visit Kyiv. Often it is the only Ukrainian city they visit. In Kyiv, they feel almost the same as in any major city in the European Union, although Ukraine is not the EU member.

The contrast between Kyiv and other big cities in Ukraine is not so noticeable. The contrast between Kyiv and provincial Ukrainian towns is much greater. And the contrast between Kyiv and Ukrainian villages is a huge abyss, sometimes seeming a century long. It is as if to move from modern time Europe to the same place but 40-50 years ago.

But we are interested in prices in Kyiv, so let’s start according to the list we created.

Prices for hotel rentals

Go to the well-known and selecting Kyiv [] just compare prices.

On average, prices for high-end apartments in well-known hotels near the center range from $ 50 to $ 150 per night for one adult.

Prices for rental housing in Kyiv

Here we will visit some of the largest Ukrainian announcement sites or real estate announcement sites. The price depends on whether you want to rent an appartment for a long period of time or for a day or a few days. The sites listed below can only be in Ukrainian or Russian, so use the site’s automatic translation feature in your browser.

The advantage of Ukrainian rental sites is that they place prices not only in the national currency, but also in US dollars and Euros. If the price is indicated only in the Ukrainian national currency UAH, then as of mid-2020 it is worth dividing the amount by 28 and you will know how much it will be in US dollars. You can also find out the current exchange rate in Ukraine on the website of the National Bank of Ukraine.


Here is an option to choose the rental price of the apartment in US dollars. We provide a link here [].

In good safe areas, the price of renting an apartment in Kyiv will vary $ 400 – $ 600 per month.


Here, next to the prices in the Ukrainian national currency, the price in USD is indicated as well, which is very convenient for foreigners. Pricing is the same or similar to the previous site. You can view it here []


Prices for apartments rent are given in the Ukrainian national currency. Therefore, it might be necessary to divide by 28 (the hryvnia against the dollar today) to find out the price in USD. For example, 28000 UAH = $ 1000.


Prices for rental housing in the Ukrainian province

For the demonstration, we chose the capital of one of the western regions of Ukraine – Rivne. Prices will be reviewed by analogy with Kyiv. Rivne is a city with about 250,000 inhabitants. There are many similar size regional centers in Ukraine.

In addition to the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv, there are several other cities in Ukraine with a population of more than a million or slightly less than a million. In particular, these are such cities as Kharkiv, Odessa, Dnipro, Lviv, Zaporizhia, former Donetsk, etc.

Therefore, comparing prices in Kyiv and Rivne, you will already have a rough idea of booking hotels and renting apartments prices in Ukraine.

Prices for hotels in Rivne

Rivne at [here link] shows prices for 1 adult per day ranging from $ 25 to $ 50. This is already a significant difference compared to Kyiv, isn’t it? And what about renting apartments in Rivne?

Rental prices in Rivne

Here everything is much cheaper than in the capital of Ukraine as well.


[link here]

Rent of a two-room apartment per month in Rivne costs from $ 120. There are many affordable 2-bedroom and 3-bedroom flats. Good apartment with a new modern renovation starts from about $ 200 per month. Maybe it’s time to think about moving to the Ukrainian province?  


On this site, the monthly rent of a very good apartment costs on average from $ 250 to $ 370.

The apartments here are really very attractive.



Here good apartments prices start from $ 150 and above. However, prices are only in Ukrainian hryvnia.


As an example we reviewed rental prices and prices per night in hotels in Rivne. Similar prices will be in many capitals of Ukrainian regions, such as Zhytomyr, Cherkasy, Chernivtsi, Poltava, Lutsk, Chernihiv, etc.

Food in Ukraine

Since we are talking about a trip to Ukraine for the purpose of acquaintance, we must tell about the prices in restaurants. We are not talking about the prices for buying food in Ukrainian supermarkets at the moment, because it has little to do with the traditional date. So, Ukrainian restaurants.

There have been cases where foreign men have complained that they’ve paid in Ukrainian restaurant almost $ 500 for dinner.

Such high prices are outright nonsense. Most likely, these men became victims of some fraudulent scheme, where a woman was “in conspiracy” with a restaurant. Although, we do not undertake to claim this. These are just rumors.

So how much will you pay for lunch in a good restaurant in Ukraine?

And again, everything here also depends on the specific city. In Kyiv, there are many restaurants of well-known world chains or all-Ukrainian chains operating under the franchise scheme. However, for the average Western European or American, prices at most such restaurants will be more than affordable. Instead, they will be too high for the average Ukrainian.

Read also: How to meet a Ukrainian woman if you are shy?

Dinner, even in an expensive restaurant in Kyiv, often does not exceed the price tag of $ 30. Of course, if you do not order exotic dishes from rare products. The price is listed as average, so it can be more expensive in some cases.

As for prices in restaurants of smaller Ukrainian cities – it will be even cheaper than $ 30. However, prices are targeted at Ukrainians, whose incomes are lower than those of many foreigners from Central Europe and much lower than those of Americans, Scandinavians, Western Europeans or Australians.

Means of transportation – public transport, taxis, car rental

Price for public transport in Ukraine

Public transport in Ukraine is very cheap. However, these are often old buses, trolleybuses and trams. Sometimes you may come across a new or upgraded tram or bus. Fare usually starts at just $ 0.25 per trip, depending on the size of the city. Large cities also have a subway.


This is a „miracle” of Ukrainian public transport and I am separating it into a separate item.

Marshrutka or „Marshrutka bus” (how often my Canadian friends called them) – is a post-Soviet invention of public transport. This unique phenomenon occurs only in the former CIS countries.

What it is? These are small buses, often converted into passenger buses from former freight buses. They run on the same routes as buses and trams, but accommodate a much smaller number of passengers, travel faster, the cabin is always crowded, and payment is more expensive than in regular buses or trams.

Taxi in Ukraine

I advise all foreigners in Ukraine, without exception, to use such international taxi services as Uber, Bolt or the Ukrainian analogue Uklon. This is not advertising, but here you know in advance the exact cost of travel.

If you use the services of private taxi drivers, they can often deceive a foreigner by hearing a foreign language. There are different ways – to take three times the fare. Take the price in Euros or dollars instead of the price in national currency. For example, not 70 UAH, but 70 EURO or $ 70. Sometimes they can just drive a longer route to travel a longer distance and charge more for travel.

Be especially careful with taxi drivers at Ukrainian airports. There you can literally be invited by the hand into the cab. It is better to choose named above taxi services. There are two airports in Kyiv – Boryspil and KYIV International Airport. From personal experience I will say that I came across particularly annoying taxi drivers in Boryspil. Especially when they heard that we were talking with friend from Canada in English.

In fact, the expenses of a foreigner in Ukraine begin from the airport, taxi and rental housing – long before he meets the dreamed beautiful woman whose photo he saw in the messenger. That’s why we tell so many details. Travel to Ukraine should be considered in the complex. Especially if you do not want to spend an unreasonably large amount of money.

Thank you for your patience. Now let’s get to the point. Ukrainian women and the costs associated with them.

Ukrainian women and foreigners’ money

How much money you spend while in Ukraine depends on which woman you meet. Next, consider the most common options.

A good and sincere Ukrainian woman

Imagine that you put one in bull’s eye. You have really found a good and sincere Ukrainian woman who wants a serious relationship and marriage in the future.

Then you are really lucky. And not just because you met such a wonderful woman. In terms of costs on your bank account, this is also the best possible option.

Such a woman, as a rule, looks at the world adequately. She knows the price of work and money, so she will advise you where it is better to go and where it is better not to go, because it is too expensive.

She is usually quite modest, because she has such an upbringing. She is interested in communicating with a person, not restaurants, expensive resorts and photos on Instagram.

Realizing the fact that foreigners often perceive Ukrainian women as wanting money, she will, on the contrary, refuse gifts and tokens of attention on your part, which are expressed in material terms.

It is really good to build a future with such a woman. Your wallet will be safe not only during your stay in Ukraine. If you marry such a woman in the future, your entire financial situation and family budget will be safe.

Dishonest Ukrainian woman

This is exactly the option that is often written about on the Internet. Her purpose is only to use a foreigner. And often it is done in a subtle way with an intricate plan, which begins to materialize during communication on the Internet, and then continues after the arrival of a foreigner in Ukraine. Therefore, foreign men should be very careful.

It is not necessarily a one-time attempt to receive money in the form of an expensive gift or when she asks for money for clothes, housing, a loan, or to help a sick relative. This can take months as long as you have the funds or until you realize that you are being fooled and used.

What signals indicate that she wants your money?

She hints that she would like some expensive gift, because her friend already has one. For example, it could be a new iPhone. She can say that her friend is also dating a foreigner and he presented her such a gadget for gift.

Fictional Birthday. In order for you to give her something expensive, she can say that in a few days she will have a birthday. She will do so only when she wants to break off relations with you in the near future. (So you don’t know when it’s actually her birthday). She may have several foreigners like you every month. That’s why she also has a birthday several times a month 🙂

She tells you straight to buy her something. If you don’t, she’ll make a fuss or won’t talk to you for days. This is a kind of emotional blackmail.

She hints that she has never been to a certain country and shows you photos from exotic islands. It can be a famous resort or a popular tourist country, etc. However, this is only if you are acquainted for a short period of time.

She says she has a large loan from various banks and asks for help to pay it off. Promises to return the funds within a certain period.

She says that one of her acquaintances or relatives got into trouble. For example, that the police want a bribe and it is necessary to pay, otherwise, for example, her brother will have serious problems.

She tells you that one of her relatives is ill and needs urgent surgery. She will also promise to give you money back. She may tell you that they have already raised a certain amount and even show you the money, but then she will say that a lot is still missing and ask you to help.

She asks you to buy her expensive branded clothes. He says that in Ukraine all men do so when they sincerely love their women or something in this style.

She never cooks and you only eat in restaurants. And, as a rule, in expensive restaurants with a well-known name. It is generally atypical for a Ukrainian woman to eat constantly in restaurants or cafes. Most Ukrainian women cook and eat at home. In addition, it is a pleasure for them to cook something for her man.

There can be many ways to deceive you. It all depends on your naivety, your life experience and the skills and experience of a swindler. So be careful.

Don’t be paranoid

There is another side to all this. It is necessary to maintain adequacy and common sense. In fact, if you just come to Ukraine as a tourist and meet Ukrainian women on the spot, most of them will be interested only in ordinary communication.

No one here in Ukraine is waiting for an American or a Canadian to come with a gold credit card and hand out money. Unfortunately, foreigners often look for specific services and sites in Ukraine, so they get into trouble.

In real life, everything looks completely different. Most Ukrainian women already have a boyfriend or are married. Ukrainian women are faithful companions in life, so a foreigner has little chance if a Ukrainian woman already has a boyfriend.

Read also: Cost of marriage in Ukraine

Many Ukrainian women would not like relationships with foreigners at all because of cultural differences, language barriers, and so on. Therefore, one should not think that everything in Ukraine is so open and accessible. If you behave wisely, your wallet will remain full.

If, after coming to Ukraine, certain women show excessive attention to you, this should alert you. This is unusual behavior for a normal Ukrainian woman. Even if you saw different pictures in the movies and you had a false impression of Ukraine.

Therefore, be wise, pay attention to those around you. Think about what goals they may have. Do not focus on stereotypes about other countries, people, women from Ukraine, etc.

The truth exists for you personally only at a specific point in time. Relax, be yourself and enjoy life. Pay special attention only to people who are too eager for your attention. That’s all.

Today we have given such simple and at the same time complex advice to foreign men who want to visit Ukraine. Have a question? Leave in the comments, we will be happy to help.

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