Widespread Seven Myths About Polish Wife

Something tells us that women of Poland choose to be in marriage rather with foreign man than local guy, because in such a way they are able to build more stable and perspective future. Most of foreigners believe this myth is pure truth and visit Poland with high-raised head and excessive expectations. Such myth has nothing in common with real truth as in most cases Polish woman would look for local Polish guy for marriage and dating as he is closer to her mentally, it is easier to make common plans with him, to discuss different stuff and even have fun together. Marriage with foreign guy is common for Polish women because many of them were going to work abroad and have found their love among local men there, but it is not something Polish women do on purpose.
Myth #2
says Polish woman is eager to marry foreign man from West. This myth is complete bullshit because Polish woman does not choose guy according to his nationality. The most important on the opinion of Polish woman is the attitude of the man towards her. There are no national barriers if she feels happy with particular man, if he takes care of her and brings new sense into her life. In confirmation of these words I could give examples of Polish women who are getting married to men from Egypt, Ukraine, Morocco, Belarus and other which could not be called prosperous Western countries.
Myth #3
informs us that Polish women are not as much emancipated as women of West. Actually, this is partially truth, but it is not that Polish woman would be perfect house wife as you have read somewhere about women of Eastern Europe. Polish women borrowed many from their Western counterparts and though most of them plan to have a family, they still have many personal goals and family is just one of them. In common life with Polish woman you have to be also ready to the division of duties, where you would take active part and to the equal participation in all family and house activities.
Myth #4
tells that choosing woman from Poland for spouse you deal with pretty woman who pays a lot of time to her appearance and this is what interest her very much. Polish women are beautiful from the nature and they like to emphasize this natural beauty with cosmetics, they like to take care about their body, go to the gym, have active way of life but they are not over-concentrated on their beauty. They take their beauty for granted and live the life which helps them to develop their personality, but they are not looping on their appearance and beauty. It may seem so only to Western women who often do not really care at all about cosmetics and weight, but even that relatively small time average Polish girl spends for beauty treatments seems to them long.
Myth #5
says Polish wife is obedient to her husband and would listen to him, taking into consideration his opinion and taking his decisions. First of all it depends on the character of particular Polish woman. If someone has had such experience with Polish woman it does not mean all the other women in Poland would behave the same way. To some extent Polish women recognize authority of their partner, but only because they love him and feel secured with him. But such loyalty of Polish girls could not be taken for granted as it does not mean it would last forever and all depends on your attitude. If you relax and forget your Polish spouse is pretty emancipated person you would miss the chance and she could find herself a lover at work or somewhere else. Why this happens? Because many man think that after marriage with Polish woman they achieved their goal and they don’t need to do anything more. This is complete fallacy which would have the worst negative consequences. You should always pay attention to your Polish woman, make her feel alive with you; do not let her feel bored – this applies to all spheres of your common life – interesting time spending together, common movies watching, sex, trips together to different places etc.
Myth #6
– Polish woman wants you to bring as much money at home as you can, under any possibility. This is complete delusion as although descent income along with financial stability is important it should not interfere your private life to such extent which would already start ruin you common family relationships. There is time for work and money, but there is a time for hobby, rest and spending time together. If man stays at work till the late night, if he is often in delegations and works very hard but does not pay attention to his wife and family – he will quickly become not needed in life of his wife. If would find immediate reflection in the actions of wife who would be angry, bored and one nice day would either leave such husband or at least find someone who will give her all necessary attention on the side.
Myth #7
– if Polish wife is Slavic wife from the Central Europe and dreams about foreign husband than after marriage you can consider your goal to be achieved and your woman to be conquered by you. Such thoughtless thinking would lead you to personal drama. First of all, who told you that Polish women dream about foreign fiancé? It is different types of foreigners who dream about Polish wife! Polish women know well they are pretty, sexy, intelligent and they know how to keep any interested in them guy on a short lead; no wonder many choose foreigners because of financial stability factor but it is not the main reason even though many of Polish women are pragmatic. But even if the guy knows well that he has no time to relax after marriage he has always remember about attention towards his Polish spouse. Wife, especially pretty Polish wife, needs her husband’s attention all the time, as she gets attention of other men during the whole day, but your (husband’s) attention is the most important and pleasant to her until you forget about her and start making your own business perceiving your wife already conquered and such who would not escape anywhere now. She would feel the need for attention and change your attention to someone else’s attention – to someone’s who likes her as a woman. In order this not to happen always remember about the treasure this life gave you – Polish wife.
If you have found this information because you were looking for myths there was some reason for this, but sincere advice – do not believe in myths. Even if on some girl it would be truth it might not work with the other one. If you have found great polish woman whom you would like to ask for marriage, do not believe in myths. You should always keep to your own opinion and trust the universe letting it lead you through life. If for some reason it happened that you have met Polish woman and you are going to get married – it was needed by some reason and now just take it easy and enjoy the life flow.