Dating Romania

Relationship with Romanian woman: in case you plan

  • October 21, 2019
  • 7 min read

If you are planning to have serious relationship with Romanian woman and you are foreigner, you have to know some things that could help you. If you were looking for such information, probably you have already met Romanian women and would like to get something started. Anyway, even if you are just curious, the stuff in this article will open you some new horizons about Romanian women.

There are two possible scenarios of starting relationship with Romanian woman: when you both are in Romania or when she is in your home country. Of course, there is the third option, when you both appear in some country, chosen for a rest or holidays. In this case there is great chance to interest her, pay your attention to her, but there might be difference depending on the country you are in. If it is developed country, you are going to have many competitors among other men.

The same applies to your home country. If, for example, you live in the U.S. or Western E.U., there are chances woman you liked would try to look for more successful, interesting, more rich man etc. Of course, I’m not saying Romanian women are all mercantile and I’m not trying to generalize. That is just how it could flow. However, if you are in Romania, you certainly have more chances to interest average Romanian woman than her compatriots. It is just such sort of things that many Romanian women prefer foreigners. It might be because they are looking for better life abroad or that Romanian men earn less than foreigners. It is some sort of reality you bump into in Romania.

There are many stereotypes or rather myths abour Romanian women. Many of them are wrong and if you live for some time in Romania you will surely see that. Many Romanian women have close relation to the family and usually are religious, that is why the main value for them is family. Every woman is looking for strong man, who could assure her and their future children all the possible wealth and protection.

And at our times money indicate the best how strong the man is. If he was smart enough to earn it in our cruel society, he’d possibly give genetically strong progeny able to survive in this harsh world. Also he is automatically able to protect family. These are the type of subconscious thoughts all women have. Many Western men choose Romanian women for wives because they place family at first, but not career and they are not that much emancipated as Western women. Romanian women are also very intelligent and you have to take that into consideration if you are planning to build serious relationship. Otherwise, she would easily understand what is your real aim and that will be the end.

Language barrier might be serious problem, because what is more important than understanding? If you take some Romanian language classes this would not only help to understand each other better, but your Romanian woman will see how serious you are as you have already started to learn language. This also demonstrates your respect to Romanian culture, which is also important. You can also ask her give some basic classes and that could help you both to spend good fun time. Must say that new generation of Romanians speak good English as it is real need of time. Many of them have been abroad, especially to the UK. So, learning Romanian is not necessary, but serious plus for you.

At the very first dates nice topic to use is cultural exchange. Tell her about your country, some interesting facts and stories would be very good. Romanians like to learn about different countries and get to know more how people live overseas. Use that chance and do not forget to ask her share some typical stories. It is a good thing to start conversation and get to know each other better.

Style is important to Romanian women and you know they dress up very nice, no matter what the occasion is, and you have to match that style. You better always wear something clean, do not be overdressed so she could felt not good enough dressed for you, but also do not be dressed up poorly. If you are going for the first date with Romanian woman, your attire depends on you and your lifestyle, but if you are visiting cafe – t-shirt and jeans are ok.

If you are on the first date with Romanian woman, tell her reasonable compliments. Every woman likes compliments, but they do something special to Romanian women. Keep in mind that golden middle is good in everything. Do not over-try, because she’ll immediately see that you are insincere and this is going to be a great minus for you.

Present flowers the woman you liked. For no reason, just like a small present. Romanian women appreciate this very much. Find out somehow what are her favorite flowers. Try to do it in a way she did not understand why you are asking. A few days later present her this kind of flowers. Except for flowers, all other gifts, especially small ones, are very good also. Romanian women eagerly accept presents, but be wise and do not present too much of gifts, because she might think this is the only way you can win her attention. She has to feel your attention and be sure you are serious. All the things you do have to be made with balance.

The name of your lady is also important. Most of Romanian names came from Orthodox Saints. There are also women’s names that sound like flowers. Ask Romanian woman what does her name means. It is good topic for conversation and also shows your deep interest. Find out on the Internet when this name’s Day is celebrated and make her some present. She’d be pleased.

What is also important is your attitude within her family. Visiting her family is thing that will surely happen if you are serious about relationship with her and this meeting will happen sooner that you think. In Romania families are family-centered and foreigner could be someone who ruins the balance. That is why she wants to know the family reaction on you, while the things didn’t get to serious. When you are on meeting with her parents, you have to know they probably do not speak English. The topics to speak should be about your own family, what do you do for a life. Some things you are planning together with their daughter, like trips. Show that you respect their daughter.

If you are going outside like restaurant or cafe, you have to pay the bill, it is cultural aspect in Romania and some other countries. On West it is usually splitting the bill. Many Romanians like outdoor activities, mainly because many other activities in Romania are spent at home, including all the preparation with cleaning up and cooking.

You could be even a reason of her being proud she’s dating a foreigner. Of course, it is not like you have to raise your head up because of that. She might not show it and surely will not. Some of her friends even might be envy or jealous her. Be ready that it won’t be that easy to win the heart of Romanian woman, but it surely worth all the efforts and time you spend.

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