Belarusian woman would never be with you if…

Usually, an arrogant man hides a lot of complexes under his mask. Confidence is not the same as arrogance. Confidence is always respecting oneself and others. An arrogant man is incapable of analyzing the world critically. When an arrogant man believes that his opinion is the only right one, he is often mistaken and sees that there are no simpler options to success.
Because Belarusian women are naturally good psychologists, they will be able to tell your bluff right away. If she deliberately creates difficult situations to make you feel nervous, she will try to trick you. However, most women will avoid you because your behavior appears insolent.
In either scenario, success is unlikely. While it may seem unattainable to alter oneself, it is more feasible to adapt one’s attitude towards the world. It is important to acknowledge the potential causes of failure with women in order to learn from them and make necessary changes. In general, we suggest beginning with meditation as it can aid in various ways, such as gaining insight into one’s place in the world and observing behaviors objectively.
… the universe revolves around you
There is a Belarusian saying that describes arrogant people as “navel of the earth.” It is a good example of some foreigners’ behavior, who come to Belarus. But this is not about a healthy level of selfishness, which is present in every adequate human being. It is more like the behavior of a savage who has escaped its cage.
The cage is their “civilized” Western home country to these foreigners, and Belarus, which is often referred to as a dictatorship, is for them the most free country on Earth. But it is here that one can trace the true moral values of many foreigners and their level of “upbringing”. In fact, there is a disgusting behavior among some (most?) foreigners who come to Belarus.
Despite the fact that they openly make brazen offers to women, they do not care if the woman has a boyfriend or whether she is married or not. It doesn’t matter to them if she has a boyfriend or not. They don’t think this is someone’s mother in front of them.
They don’t know how this woman is feeling at the moment – perhaps someone in her family is sick or she is experiencing personal troubles, but here in the middle of the street a foreigner offers an indecent proposal with a nasty smile and a “broken Russian language”.
Such behavior and demonstration of animal instincts is a mediated result of belief in widespread stereotypes about Belarus. The root cause was the behavior of some Belarusian women who tried to leave the country at any cost. Not much went out, but the opinion was formed about everyone. It always happens that way.
However, the main reason is still the low level of culture of many foreigners who come to Belarus to “enjoy life”.
Inadvertently, I find myself thinking about how primitive mankind remains, and how far we are from living in harmony and feeling happy.
… your comments about her country and culture are offensive
It’s probably the classic sign of a bad relationship between a Belarusian woman and a foreign man. As soon as starts the talk that at home the grass is greener – that’s the first alarm. In some point, you realize that you have to hurt her with your negative words and you cannot hold back. Your anger drives you further. You do not control your emotions.
The negativity about her culture and country will leave a very unpleasant onslaught for a very long time, even if you remain together after such powerful manifestations. The first week, your relationship will not resemble the relationship at all. It will be a quiet conversation between two offended people, without much desire to communicate. Don’t get too close to this point.
Nobody likes it when they speak ill of their home, even if it is constructive criticism. Your words may not change the situation, but they will hurt her.
Think about the woman. When she grew up in Belarus and lived there her whole life, she has never been to other countries. Belarus is the only place she has ever been to. And as one seeks comfort and tranquility, she often idealizes the surrounding space. It’s no wonder she’s so passionate about her country.
It was here that she had a pleasant conversation with her mother in the kitchen, went mushroom-picking with her grandmother in the village, and kissed her first kiss in the park on a bench near the river. So, no matter how good it is in your country, respect the woman you like and don’t hurt her with your criticism.
It is worth showing her what you have at home in a way that she can compare and draw her own conclusions if you wish to prove that it is better there. You don’t have to talk about it at all, just make her a pleasant visit to your country, so she can see for herself where things are better.
Before making a decision, it’s important to reflect. Is your home country flawless? Are there no downsides? It’s safe to say every country has its drawbacks, and yours is no exception. So when considering Belarus, it’s helpful to approach things with a philosophical mindset and focus on the positives. Showing an interest in Belarusian culture will impress a Belarusian woman, who may even offer to guide you further. However, displaying chauvinistic behavior can be hurtful and harm your relationship.
… life has no goals for you
The pointless life demonstrates an irresponsible attitude towards oneself. Personal goals make us feel needed by others. This forward movement helps us feel a part of something bigger. We enjoy the process, not so much the outcome. Standing still is degradation, while any movement forward is development.
Your life will be boring if you live purposelessly. You will drift downstream and everything will become monotonous. You may pick up a bad habit to make life “more interesting”. Many people fail to realize that life without purpose is a hard labor and constant reproach and pangs of conscience. A Belarusian woman understands this well. She will not be with a man who has no purpose.
In this phase, there is exploration of each other, but mutual interest is the cause of the relationship. She finds such a man unpromising. A woman will not be with a man who is unable to ensure the existence of their joint family if she is uncertain the future husband can do so. A Belarusian woman is likely to rate a man without a goal as “not promising”.
Frequently, there is a misconception among men about what a Belarusian woman desires in a partner. Contrary to popular belief, she is not seeking a wealthy man. Rather, she expects her husband to be able to provide for their family’s basic needs and support their personal growth. Belarusian women value a man’s drive and determination to achieve goals, even if there are setbacks along the way. This kind of perseverance is seen as promising, and a woman will stand by her man even in the face of failure.
… communal ideas about life are too different from yours
You’re just too different. Cultural differences and perspectives on life play a crucial role in living together. If you look at things differently, then you’re at odds.
Different ways you view life in general, different angles you see at everyday life and at your common future are the things that won’t allow you to be together. It will take some time for one of you to adjust to the other, and ultimately it will lead to oppression. However, a big emotional explosion will threaten this in the future and it will be impossible to reverse the process.
Since Belarusian women are inherently more emotional, don’t be surprised if she takes the first step toward your breakup once she realizes that you are incompatible. The woman does not necessarily have to do this first. It all depends on who is braver to admit to himself that your relationship has no future.
… she doesn’t find you interesting as a man
As a man, you have a direct relation to a woman’s satisfaction in all aspects, even if you may not have been passionate at the beginning. Don’t just think about yourself. Make a rule for yourself: until your wife is happy, you continue “working” and only then can you get pleasure for yourself.
The importance of this aspect in the relationship is among the top three (if not the most important). However, many people consider it immoral or the one that requires too much attention. When a woman is disgruntled, she becomes angry, irritable, toxic. She tries to make people around her miserable. Do not bring your wife to the extreme – fulfill your responsibilities responsibly, maximizing the “tasks” you have been assigned.
… comparing her to other women
As soon as you compliment another woman, your Belarusian woman will become jealous and annoying, while comparing her to someone else can be an insult that will break your relationship.
Put yourself in her place. What if she told you that her previous Italian boyfriend kissed better? How would you feel? At the very least, that would be very unpleasant.
If you don’t like something about your girlfriend, tell her about it without comparing her to other women. If the thing you’d like to change is irreversible, put up with it or find another girlfriend.
… your selfishness is faulty
When a man focuses on himself and his desires alone, any woman, especially a Belarusian beauty, will tolerate him. It is necessary to enjoy life and to achieve personal goals, but do not forget that the closest people can also bring you joy.
While a housewife may prefer some flowerpots over others, she still waters them all. You need to pay attention not only to yourself, but also to the people closest to you, otherwise they won’t pay attention to you. It’s really not that complicated.
… you don’t keep your promises
Belarusian women expect you to keep your promises. In rare cases, if you are unable to do it, you should let her know in advance.
A man who is unreliable is the worst kind of man. It is essential that you are reliable if a Belarusian woman wishes to build a family with you in the future, and she is going to, otherwise she wouldn’t be in a relationship with you. Don’t be surprised if one day she tells you “good bye” because of your constant excuses, bringing things to a close and shameless lies.
… you prefer to be child-free
The child free culture cultivated in the West is in stark contrast to the traditional family values prevalent in Belarus. The Western culture is geared towards living for oneself, enjoying oneself, and not planning to have children.
The average Belarusian woman dreams of ordinary things – to have a family, a loving husband and children. Without children, she cannot imagine a full-fledged family and a happy life. Such a picture of family life is not full for her. If she does not have children, she will feel inferior, and her parents will not understand her, as she would like grandchildren and procreation in their family – “rod” (Rus.).
Therefore, if you are interested in a serious relationship with a Belarusian woman, you should discuss it right away. Otherwise, if you fall in love with her, you will have to break up.
“The child’s argument” is the most serious of all of the following, so it is worth considering. Often times things that are considered normal in the West are not tolerated in Belarus.