Dating Poland

What Foreigners Must be Aware When Looking for Girlfriend in Poland?

  • April 22, 2020
  • 5 min read
What Foreigners Must be Aware When Looking for Girlfriend in Poland?

Poland is country well known as homeland to the most beautiful girls. The fact is known far away abroad and there are reasons for that. Marrying Polish woman is considered as successful step because of many reasons. Every day international dating sites have tons of new visitors among foreign men, who are looking for the woman of their dreams exactly in Poland. Of course, of such searchers have intention not to get married, but to satisfy probably primitive instincts and therefore they fill in the application form and register. Very often foreigners are looking for sex tourism, where they are looking for new extreme relations and some new feelings for the cheap as for them price.

Those foreign guys who are looking for romance relations overseas or dream to have sexual relations in Europe or even those who want to get married are all increasingly capable to overestimate naivety of Polish girls and underestimate innate practicality of those pretty Slavic European girls. Girls do not always look ready to take on the burden of family responsibilities. Polish girls not readily swim in a storm of passion and often they prefer to travel with reach foreigner to visit expensive restaurants and spas, get valuable jewelry. In this case, many of such “brides” try to postpone sex for long period, until a rich foreigner finally starts to doubt the sincerity of the feelings and goals of such expensive platonic friendship. Then potential bride can gently tell the man that, unfortunately, she is in love with another person, or simply disappear. What foreigner expects to get when he comes to Poland? When he visits the Poland, usually he is trying to use Polish girl. So why Polish girls could not use him? She has even more right to use him and his wallet, so he got his due.

Surprisingly, some foreigners might not realize for long period of time that they are actually being used. Girls are trying to get money in different ways. Those ways could be as old as the hills, as well as new creative forms of scam. One way to earn on such scam schemes is to take gifts from men. As the gift it could be everything that has some good price like clothes, new gadgets, iPhones or laptops. The next day after such a date, girl brings gifts back to the store and takes the money back for it. There are whole agencies who are making business on these girls. Those girls “workers” write wonderful letters, communicate with foreign grooms and buying apartments and cars for their money.

Are they all models? No, just usual average Polish girls, but yes, they surely look like models. She could live somewhere in rural Poland area, helping her parents in the farm, but when she is dressed up goes to some local club for dancing, she looks just gorgeous. So, we didn’t came to the point “Why are Polish women so hot?”

Let us try to find at least few objective reasons. First reason is natural genetically inherited sexuality. What is this sexuality? It is beauty, first of all, concerning natural pretty feature and slim figure. Nice figure, as well as long legs, deep beautiful eyes and pretty face are also those features. Actual list could be much longer, because you associate Polish woman with as many different things you have seen, heard or have known before. Well, natural genetically inherited sexuality plus beautiful model-look body and taking care of themselves – are small factors that create Polish lady beauty. If you were in Poland, you could see those beauties everywhere: in public transport, in offices, in the stores and on the TV. They are extremely cute and there are so many of them everywhere. In general Polish women are not fat. They take care of their figure, but usually eat what they want and having quick metabolism do not get fat.

The second reason is that Polish girls pay attention to their appearance. With gorgeous body and perfect natural model look, they like to wear high heels and make themselves up much more often than women of other countries, except for Slavic ones. Hard to think, how Polish men just walk on the streets and what is more – work normally, when surrounded by such huge amount of beauties. Might assume as well, Polish men got used to this beauty everyday and it seems normal and average to them. Models are walking everywhere in Poland, that is what I can say.

I guess, beauty of Polish women is hidden in genetic code. But they also take a good care of it, by active way of life and super care about appearance. Good dress up, everyday make up and stylish attitude and behavior are also important things Polish woman does in her everyday style of life.

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