Characteristics of typical Japanese woman

Japanese women are charming. A lot of men would like to date Japanese women, but only a few of them are aware of what these women are like. So what are the characteristics and traits of typical Japanese women? What’s so special that makes them different from Western women, for example?
Behavioral characteristics
- Obedience
Ever since childhood Japanese women are taught to listen to their parents and obey them. This quality is present when a woman gets into relationship, too.
- Independence
There is a stereotype that Japanese women after giving birth to a child stay at home completing house chores for the rest of their lives. It’s not true though. In modern Japan the amount of women who prefer their career to motherhood is constantly increasing.
- Dedication
If a Japanese woman is in love, she will do anything for her man. She would help with advices and care, prepare tasty dishes or any other stuff to show her sincere affection. These facts were confirmed by many, including foreigners and native Japanese men.
- Courtesy
This trait is typical for Japanese women who actually follow the stereotype mentioned before and become home type wives. It is realised through the way they treat their men, which is very special.
- Punctuality
This trait is probably the one that differs Japanese women from Western women the most. For example, American woman would often be late for her date because it takes her too long to get ready, while Japanese woman would always be there in time because she doesn’t want to waste someone’s precious time.
General characteristics
- Modesty
Japanese women might seem shy, and they are, but not in a bad way. Usually they don’t speak too much because they respect you and let you take the initiative in the conversation. These women are also non-confrontational, they absolutely hate conflicts and have some kind of a natural ability to avoid them.
- Kindness
Based on a real-life experience of many men, Japanese women are more compassionate and more sweet than any other women in the world. If a European woman would always say anything that’s on her mind, Japanese woman would think twice before speaking aloud. Hurting your feelings is the last thing she would want to do.
- Politeness
In Japan a lot of things are considered non-appropriate. Everyone is taught not to do these things because they might make someobody feel uncomfortable. It’s typical of Japanese mentality to consider feelings of every person around. That’s why Japanese women are always so nice – they simply care about other people and their feelings.
Why there are so many single women in Japan?
Statistics say that only about 8% of single Japanese women do not intend to marry at all. They want to be single and this is completely in line with their philosophy of life. What about the other 92%? These are those who do not mind having a husband, but for some reason do not have yet.
The main reasons why there are so many single women in Japan:
Modern society. It is designed to maximize the use of humans as a working cog of the system. Simply, a person is squeezed out at work. No one is interested in personal happiness – the main thing is to work for the benefit of the company, the economy, etc. Eat, Drink, Do the Job, Get a Salary – Eat, Drink, Do the Job… At such a fast pace work-home-work, there is simply no time to think about what you really want.
Even if such a person understands own desires – many other patterns like habits, lifestyle and career will not let her to get rid of the usual way of life. That simply does not give a chance for relationship and marriage.
Change of traditions. It is also part of modern Japanese society. If earlier parents used to influence their 20+ children’s opinions, and sometimes even forced to marry, today it has changed. Liberal attitudes even toward 30+ children do not make them marry as fast as they once did.
The high expectations of Japanese women for a partner do not allow them to choose “worthy” candidate.
The fact is that in Japanese society, a woman has high expectations for the financial well being of a man. However, most Japanese women themselves build successful careers and earn enough. Therefore, it is often even difficult for men to compare with a woman’s income. And if he earns little, then such a man is not suitable for a reliable partner.
Not only income but also social status plays a role here.
Most Japanese women have the opportunity to get acquainted with “a worthy man” only at work. And if there is no such man at work or all men are “busy”, then the chances for personal happiness of particular Japanese female worker are greatly reduced.
For many Japanese women, marriage means a restriction on personal freedom.
The fact is that traditional Japanese married life is very different from the Western one. In Japan, a woman has certain responsibilities and her husband is considered to be the breadwinner of the family.
This is not a typical partnership. In a family, a woman should devote herself to her husband, children, her husband’s parents. Career and personal development plans often collapse after marriage.
Therefore, fearing of losing own women’s personal freedom, they will choose to be unmarried as long as possible. And this often leads to the fact that it is already very difficult to find a soulmate, especially when the beauty of young years is already lost.
Also, the habit of living single does not make woman get accustomed to having to share personal space with someone someday and sacrifice personal desires for the sake of family and husband.
Change of the traditional social order allowed Japanese women to have equal rights with men in terms of choosing profession.
Previously, a woman in Japan had to deal with the family. This is why many Japanese women are reluctant to limit themselves to the traditional family ties and prefer to work and develop freely.
By the way, foreigners in this case may be lucky. If foreign guy would like to marry a Japanese woman, he has a chance. Because it is possible for Japanese woman to build a family with a foreigner in partnership, where the man and the woman will be equal in rights and will complement each other. Japanese women are aware of such advantages of foreign men.