Can two foreigners get married in Ukraine?

If you are a foreigner with questions about getting married in Ukraine, this post is for you. We will explore the requirements for foreigners to get married in Ukraine, as well as some of the challenges that can come up during the process. Read on to learn more about what it takes to tie the knot in Ukraine.
What is the process for getting married in Ukraine?
In order to get married in Ukraine, foreigners must follow the same process as Ukrainian citizens. First, they must submit a written application to the local district state administration office. The application must include proof of identity, citizenship, and residency, as well as information on the intended spouse. Once the application is approved, a marriage registration fee must be paid and a date for the civil ceremony must be scheduled.
After the civil ceremony, the newlyweds must have their marriage certificate authenticated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They can then take this document to their home country’s embassy or consulate in Ukraine to have it legalized. Once legalized, the marriage certificate is considered valid worldwide.
What are the requirements for getting married in Ukraine?
To get married in Ukraine, foreigners must meet the following requirements:
1. submit a written application to the Registrar of Civil Status Acts;
2. present their passport or other ID document;
3. present a certificate of no impediment to marriage issued by their competent authority;
4. if applicable, present a divorce decree or death certificate of previous spouse.
How long does it take to get married in Ukraine?
The process of getting married in Ukraine is not as complicated as one might think. There are a few required steps that must be followed, but overall the process is relatively straightforward.
The first step is to apply to the marriage registry office. An application for marriage registration is submitted by a woman and a man to any civil registry office (hereinafter – the registry office) of their choice. An application for marriage registration can also be submitted online on the web portal “Appeals in the field of state registration of civil status acts”.
Finally, the actual ceremony can take place. This can be done at any location desired by the couple, but the official registration takes place in Ukrainian registry offices. The official ceremony can be solemn, or you can just get marriage certificates on a specific day.
What is the cost of getting married in Ukraine?
For marriage registration, it is necessary to pay a state fee in the amount of 0.05 tax-free minimum incomes of citizens (in 2022 – 0.85 kopecks) (subparagraph “a” of paragraph 5 of Article 3 of the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine of January 21, 1993 No. 7-93 “On State Duty”). /source/
In addition, related services of the bodies of the State Registration of Civil Status Acts body at the choice of the bride and groom (full or abbreviated ceremony of state registration of marriage, issuance of an invitation indicating the date of state registration of marriage, etc.) are additionally paid in the amount established by the order of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine dated December 30, 2020 No. 4543/5 “On approval amounts of fees for the provision of paid services by departments of state registration of civil status acts of interregional offices of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine”. Prices for paid services depending on region On approval of fees for the provision of paid services by departments of state registration of civil status acts of interregional offices of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine
Can same-sex couples get married in Ukraine?
According to Article 51 of the Constitution of Ukraine, marriage is based on the free consent of a woman and a man. That is, the main law of the state excludes the very possibility of same-sex marriages. Legalization of same-sex marriages is impossible under martial law, which rules Ukraine since russia has started the war. Legalization of same-sex marriages requires changes to the Constitution of Ukraine, which is impossible under martial law, but most likely, after the end of the war and the adoption of relevant laws, same-sex marriages in Ukraine will be legalized.
Once the marriage has been registered, the couple will receive a marriage certificate which they can then use to have their marriage recognised in their home country. However, as for time of publishing of this article, this is not possible.
Foreigners can get married in Ukraine as long as they meet the requirements set forth by Ukrainian law. In order to get married, both parties must be of legal age (18 years old for men and 18 years old for women), have valid passports, and be unmarried. Once these requirements are met, couples can go to a local registry office to submit their application and pay the required fees. After the registry office approves the application, couples will receive a marriage certificate which is valid worldwide. However, the main law of the state excludes the very possibility of same-sex marriages.