Dating Uruguay

Marriage with Uruguayan woman – thoughts of the foreigner

  • April 16, 2020
  • 3 min read

If you decided to marry woman from Uruguay you will have to face up with some paper routine. Those are necessary in every country difficulties and obstacles man has to overcome to reach the aim of marriage.

Marriage is serious step and before marrying woman from Uruguay you have to understand many things. Those things would often make no sense in case of marriage with woman from your home country. Although they are important in case of marriage with Uruguayan woman.

First obstacle is language barrier and to avoid it you have either speak good Spanish or your spouse has to speak descent English. Within the time you both will communicate greatly in both languages, but at zero point of your family creation it may cause some discomfort.

The second obstacle is mental differences and cultural diversion. You both were grown up and brought up in different families with different cultural influence. As the Westerner, you are usually more open and have wide vision of the world. In Uruguay this vision might seem more ‘narrow’ to you, but you have to respect moral and cultural aspects of your Uruguayan wife and do not teach her “how to do things in Western way“, do in a way you see it and in a way you want it.

The third obstacle could be religion. In Uruguay people are formally considered to be Roman Catholics. But usually new generation rarely visit the church every Sunday and some almost never do it. In any case, you have to be very tolerant to religious views of your wife, because arguing on religious topics is one of the most dangerous and may even lead to the break of relationship.

The other obstacles that might appear when you are going to marry woman from Uruguay are not that important, minor and could be solved during your dating period.

One more important question men from abroad who would like to marry woman of Uruguay ask themselves is “What papers I need to marry in Uruguay?”

When getting married in Uruguay you have to know:

  • You will need a passport and the document confirming you were not married before, you are divorced or you are widowed; this document must be apostilled and recognized by Uruguay authorities;
  • The ceremony will take place in the town where one of the future spouses lives;
  • It is a compulsory to inform and register in advance to the town hall where the wedding ceremony would take place;
  • Religious ceremony could take place only after the legal marriage ceremony by local civil authorities has already taken place;
  • Under 18 – parental consist is a compulsory

To be sure, for more information ask Uruguay embassy in your country or region, they will provide you with detailed list of documents and information about all legal procedures you will face up with. All those information might help you to achieve your goal – marriage in Uruguay.

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