Dating Latvia

How Latvian men look at the marriage with American woman?

  • April 9, 2020
  • 3 min read

Two most common questions American women ask on the Internet about Latvian men are: Picture of typical Latvian man and Do Latvian men look into possibility of marriage with American woman. Let’s answer these questions in the reverse order. First we will find out how eager are Latvian men to marry foreign women and then what advantages may bring possible marriage with Latvian man for overseas woman.

So, are Latvian men actually eager to marry American women? It seems, they don’t really care about nationality when it is going about marriage or any other issues. Main point here is to win the attention of Latvian man. Of course, it is going about average Latvian man, but not about those who conduct marriages for the sake of American citizenship. Despite the fact there are some Latvian men eager to do so, such practice is not very popular, as Latvians are the members of the European Union and they would rather look for wife in the United Kingdom or Austria, but not reaching so far as the States.

Among Latvian men who marry American women are mostly those, who came the other day to the United States as labor migrants and later found a wife here. Such stories are not very typical, but take place to be. American women who have married Latvian men are only of good thoughts which they share about their husbands. And now the question: how those Latvian men are as husbands?

In short, typical Latvian man is wise and street smart. In terms of occupation, he is always the best and usually achieves good results. Work is not the only thing he likes doing. He has many interests, but the source of income for his family is the most important and the thing Latvian man is especially caring about. He does not devote all his time to work only. Latvian man takes care of the family and enjoys spending time with kids and wife. He is good bushcrafter and likes to spend time alone in the nature. But with the same success he spends time with the family on the weekends.

Average Latvian man is very attentive to his wife and it seems like he treats wife as fragile treasure. He is eager to make small but numerous memorable presents. Latvian men are caring and helpful, but it is often needed to hint them for help or to ask strictly, as in terms of house work they are a bit lazy.

One more feature of European men from Baltic countries is their ‘ladies first’ attitude. You should not be offended that they consider you weaker if Latvian men let you enter the building first or offer their help in carrying heavy luggage. They’re not trying to measure your personal freedom, it is the way they react according to how they were raised. In their country it is considered to be polite and good manner for a man. However, many American women might like such gentleman attitude.

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