Dating Latvia

Dating experience with Latvian woman

  • April 9, 2020
  • 4 min read

Latvia is perfect country to find perfect woman and start dating her. I would say more: this is perfect country to find future wife who is not spoiled by worst values of Western civilization and has moral principles of life.

My dating experience with Latvian woman has started in Riga, the capital of the country. I decided to visit the country to explore it better, as I have never been to Latvia before.

I met nice student in Riga. She was on the fifth year at the university. She was not native inhabitant of Latvian capital. Before entering the university she lived in some small Latvian town far from the big cities. As I got to know later, her family was quite poor, at least it seemed to me like that.

Our first date was near the bus stop close to downtown. We went for a walk, and talked on various topics. I liked her at the very start of our date and within some time I was attracted even more. How natural and somewhat shy she was. In the course of communication I was using my tricks: positive conversation, smile and even some ‘skills’ i learned on the Internet, but… When we sat at cafe and I took her hand I noticed that she felt very shy.

It is true during the entire meeting I was the only one who was initiative and she behaved strangely as for me. She was always shy and said that never shows her feelings first. She also said that the guys with whom she was dating before thought she is not interested in them, but she just didn’t know how properly show her interest and was too closed and shy. That’s why their relationship ended with nothing. Better for me. She was sorry about that. I walked her to a taxi.

Our second date was just before my flight home.  I invited her to my apartment under the pretext to celebrate my birthday that I celebrated few days earlier; I pre-set the table, decorated the room with candles. I also said that I am going to surprise her. Before she entered the apartment she was frightened and was asking what kind of surprise is waiting for her. I have noticed before that she is very shy and was afraid of many things. When she came into the room she was very pleasantly surprised and told me nobody has ever made such romantic surprises for her.

I noticed also that she was kind of afraid of me. I decided no to be pushy. It was only the second date. And she was one of those who become perfect wives. I walked her to the bus stop.

After coming back home I forgot about her for some period of time. But very quickly I have understood I feel the need for her. I realized I was looking for the woman with whom I can create a serious long-term relationship. I needed not ‘spoiled’, modest and nice woman, and my Latvian friend from Riga passes through all this criteria perfectly.

She was a kind of woman that is almost impossible to find on West nowadays. I understood it was completely unspoiled natural behavior for a woman from a modest family. With the right approach she could become perfect wife. I am really happy I understood that and within some time we kept dating. Our dating period transformed into her marriage. Now we are bringing up two nice kids and I am absolutely happy one day I went for a date with Latvian woman.

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