Dating Lithuania

Features of Lithuanian man

  • April 9, 2020
  • 3 min read

It is already written a lot about Lithuanian women and their peculiarities, their beauty, features of character, how are they in marriage and how is better to behave on the first date with Lithuanian. But in the age when women are fighting for their rights we should not forget about rights of the men as well.

The men should be also represented on the web same as women, shouldn’t they? At least, it seems unfair towards women, who are deprived with information about Lithuanian men. Today we will try to fix this iniquity and provide women interested with some information about Lithuanian men.

How real Lithuanian man looks like? Average Lithuanian man is tall, usually has good shape and physical condition. He has grey or blue eyes and light color of hair.

What is better to know about Lithuanian man?

Lithuanian man is hard working. If he cannot find descent job in his country to earn enough (as it seems to him) to feed his family (read: to provide the family with all needed) he will find work abroad, but he will remain breadwinner.

Lithuanian man assumes to work. It is ok if wife would be at home, doing the house chores and dealing more with rising kids n’ stuff. Although, such situation is not typical to modern Lithuania, where both husband and wife usually have to work to earn enough for their family needs.

Lithuanian man is a good host and his house is his castle, where he lives with his family. In general, Lithuanian men are reliable and devoted to their wife and family.

What about character of Lithuanian men?

Lithuanian men are calm. They choose not to be nervous and are not in hurry to do the things quickly. They rarely argue with their women and with everyone else. If you are looking for gentle, caring and tranquil man – Lithuanian is a good choice. Lithuanian men are inventive, which applies to all spheres of life.

Lithuanian men and foreign wife

Due to the fact Lithuanians often work traveling along Europe and rest of the world, the fact they marry British, German, Dutch, Swedish and other women takes place.

In international marriages Lithuanian men showed themselves good and reliable husbands. Just the same as at their home country – they are also considered to be good husbands.

The United States is also popular destination for Lithuanian migrant workers and many Lithuanians stay in the U.S. for permanent living after marriage with American women. Must say this is made not on purpose, but usually by mutual feelings. Often American women are surprised how great and caring towards women these men are.

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