Dating Latvia

How to behave on the first date with Latvian woman

  • April 9, 2020
  • 5 min read

First date is always very important in the beginning of new relationship. If you are not sure how to behave on the first date with Latvian woman, here you will find some useful advices.

First of all don’t try to look better than you are. If you have some pluses, advantages, real achievements you have gained in your life already – don’t tell about everything at once. Keep some secrets and keep the intrigue, as all the advantages you have you can open for the lady later. In any case, all positive achievements you already have would not disappear anywhere.

Never ever boast about anything. Women don’t like bouncers in general, as they prefer to see what man is worth on his achievements, but not on his words. Never boast even if you have reasons to. Within some time you could do that, but NOT on the first date!

Don’t act like a macho, because it looks miserable and such man is pretty funny in eyes of almost every woman.

You have to balance and act in such a way that this time was fun, but not boring in any case. It is the high time to interest the lady.

If woman is ready to go for a date with you it means that she already likes you for some reason. You have to read between the lines. Somehow you already pointed yourself out of the crowd. Now you have to be more confident and act, because it is your chance to build relationship.

If she gives you this chance, she already treats you as the man, but not as a friend. The first date is the time when woman is going to check you. She will look at you more precisely. Because of that you have to think how it is better to behave to leave good impression after yourself.

How to understand a signals of Latvian woman on the first date?

She really likes you and she is a little ashamed to demonstrate it openly. She looks at you attentively; she listens to you attentively; you see that she likes you; she laughs at your jokes as this is the signal by which she demonstrates her sympathy.

If she’s trying to be herself this is a great signal for you as she feels comfortable and relaxed with you. If along with this she is flirting and mysteriously laughing this is great “cocktail” as this is the main “trick” Latvian women use.

What Latvian women do on the first date?

The main aim is to gather as much information about man as possible. She wants to find out what person you are, what interests you have, what do you do for a life, what hobbies you have, how your life looks like. On the first date woman makes her average impression about you. She asks you basic questions and the picture of yours becomes vivid to her. Very important for you to know, that when the date ends she already knows which role in her life you could play: a friend, someone else or future boyfriend.

How to behave yourself on the first date with Latvian woman?

You have to be in your best attire. You have to look great. You have to be neat, clean with nice odor. Shave, unless you have different style. Your clothes has to be clean; you need to have nice haircut; cut your nails if you have long.

You have to be self-confident. Show her that you are real man, control the situation and rule the parade. Do not be nervous. Your sureness will make her feel more comfortable. Speak confidently, loudly, smile sincerely. Look in her eyes, don’t hide your eyes, and don’t turn your sight. Sit confidently and in comfortable for you position. She must notice that you are comfortable; all your body signs have to send out confidence and masculinity.

You aim is convincing her that you are reliable, honest, and she can rely on you at any time. Of course, you should do it not using language, but she has to understand it from your behavior. Gather information about her – the same as she gathers information about you. Draw an average impression about her in your mind. You have to omit main mistakes like being boring and predictable, being nervous and never ever try to impress her with what is unreal for you.

Don’t initiate to kiss her, there will be time for this too, but not now. Your main aim is NOT to get her bored with you and that is why you have to be inventive, interesting and even a little unpredictable. It is important to remember that all what she will have after the date is just emotions. The rest of things like time of date itself, places you visit and other stuff is not important. She would remember only emotions (and they have to be positive and pleasant), picture of you in general and your attitude towards her. If you do everything right, you won’t have to wait  long for the second date.

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